In today's world, there are so many worries that good news often gets overlooked. It can sometimes feel as if nothing positive is happening. We all need a little happiness and love to counterbalance the constant stream of bad news we receive every day. Here are 10 websites that will bring a dose of joy to your day!

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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)Good News Network
Good News Network has been publishing positive articles since 1977. The website has over 21,000 positive news stories, and the company also has an app and podcast, titled Good News Gurus.
Recent articles cover topics ranging from a Japanese aquarium’s initiative to comfort lonely sunfish to a team’s rescue of a man who was saving his dog from an icy lake in Boston.

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“We asked: when have you experienced the kindness of strangers?”
“Braving the frozen wilderness: the researchers working to protect Antarctic penguins.”
“Five extraordinary lives, captured in the new issue of Positive News Magazine.”
These are a few of the many articles published by Positive News. Positive News is an independent journalism organization that “leads by example in creating a more balanced and responsible media.” They exclusively report on world events that are going right, release a Positive News Magazine, and host an Annual Inspiration Meeting.
CBS News - The Uplift
CBS News offers a weekly segment called The Uplift that focuses on heartwarming stories from around the globe. From hometown heroes to a recap of Jimmy Carter’s contributions to the United States, the segment shows the everyday kindness and good human nature of people. You can watch the uplifting stories online or subscribe to their newsletter.
Today - Good News
The Today Show is notable for its engaging news coverage but it also dedicates a section to positive stories. Their Good News page has feel-good articles, such as the story of a woman who reunited with her long-lost twin after decades. Watch the morning show while browsing through this portion of their website to be reminded of the power of compassion.
Only Good News Daily
This site is your one-stop shop for all things good! Only Good News Daily covers a host of topics, like environmental triumphs and personal success stories. The latest stories discuss how an Australian oyster can help in the fight against superbugs, funny signs around the world, and positive television reviews. The site has a clean layout and tons of diverse content, making it incredibly easy to start your day on a positive note.
For those who may be looking for daily inspiration, DailyGood creates stories that truly boost one’s mood. DailyGood’s emphasis is on kindness, mindfulness, and social change. Offering a daily email service, you can receive a spark of goodness in your inbox every morning!
New York Times - The Week in Good News
Even major news outlets like The New York Times recognize the importance of highlighting positivity. The Week in Good News is their weekly feature, which is a roundup of stories that are meant to uplift your spirits. It’s a refreshing change of pace for those who already rely on The New York Times for their daily news. - Hopeful News
The International Rescue Committee has a section called Hopeful News that spotlights progress in humanitarian efforts. Some of their stories include families rebuilding their lives after fleeing conflict and the impact of donations on refugee education.
For anyone who is interested in social justice and global development, the International Rescue Committee’s Hopeful News is perfect for you.
Project Happiness Global
Dedicated to promoting emotional well-being, Project Happiness Global is a great resource for teens who are looking to bring more positivity into their lives. They share articles, tips, and activities that are meant to cultivate happiness and mindfulness. Accessible, simple, and practical articles like “10 Ways to Boost Your Mood in 10 Minutes” and “How to Create a Gratitude Journal” make this site relatable and useful for younger audiences.
BBC News – Uplifting Stories
The BBC’s Uplifting Stories section shares stories that inspire and amaze. Their articles show how ordinary people achieve extraordinary things, from a young boy distributing essential goody bags to ambulance drivers to a BBC reporter rescuing a tortured monkey. Since BBC has an international scope, its Uplifting Stories prove that good news happens everywhere!

All of these websites offer a much-needed reminder of the good that exists all around us. These platforms can help us to stay hopeful and inspired, through stories of kindness, innovations, and simple moments of joy.
Make sure to bookmark your favorite sites and make it a habit to visit them whenever you need a boost – it is a fantastic and easy way to brighten your day and embrace the positive part of life!