By now, you must’ve watched the last episode of season one of Loki, the latest addition to the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU), and you may have many questions about it. But don’t worry, this self-certified MCU geek is here to explain everything related to the last episode and introduce the concept of the multiverse in the main Marvel universe. So, without branching realities, let’s get started. (Spoilers Ahead:)
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So, before going down the road of the multiverse, let’s understand what caused this chaotic fettle.
And to answer that, let’s refer to the last episode of this roller-coaster ride of a series. After enchanting Alioth (the guard dog) and knocking down the door to that mysterious castle (Citadel, at the End of Time), Loki and Sylvie (a variant of Loki) encounter the person behind all this, who is referred to as “The one who remains”. This being was just a normal human who discovered the way to cross between universes and share their knowledge, but this started the multiversal war.
It turns out that everything explained in the first episode wasn’t completely wrong. So, he, "the one who remains," ended the war and created a single timeline with no branches, which he called “the sacred timeline” and created an organization named TVA (Time Variance Authority) to monitor everything that may cause the branching from the sacred timeline.
But later, Sylvie (female Loki) kills "the one who remains" after sending the original Loki back to the TVA, since he was against the idea of killing him and unleashing something more dangerous. And as a result, we can see branches growing from the sacred timeline, and they grow, and grow, and grow.

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Effect on the MCU
So, this is how the multiverse is going to come into the picture in the upcoming Marvel projects. Now that we’ve broken down the finale of this series, it’s time to look ahead and bear witness to upcoming projects from Marvel.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Marvel’s next enormous project will officially introduce Kang: The Conqueror. This movie will directly connect to the Loki series as the actor (Jonathan Majors) who played the role of "the one who remains" will reappear as “Kang: The Conqueror” in the Ant-Man movie. The Loki series was just a teaseer to all the Marvel fans out there, preparing them for the biggest adventure.
Spiderman: No way home
Now that we have a multiverse in the MCU, the chances of witnessing 3 Spiderman-s on the set are more solid. The fans may get to see Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire's Spiderman, which will be an epic moment. It’s something that’ll shake the world, for the MCU and Marvel fans alike.
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
We are all eagerly waiting for the epic team-up between Dr. Strange and the Scarlet Witch. As the title of the movie suggests, it'll revolve around the consequences of opening a multiverse and how that multiversal war is going to start. We can expect this movie to be full of malicious chaos and incredible moments.
What If...
MCU’s first animated show is going to release on 11th August, and it’ll introduce us to the endless possibilities of various events that happen in the MCU, and what would happen if they didn’t happen, and what may be the outcomes if they happened in some different way. The question "What if..." is a reoccurring one.
So, that was all about the multiverse, how it came into existence, how it is going to rev up the expectations of Marvel fans, and how Marvel Studios are going to present it all to us, for our viewing pleasure.
This new phase is going to be epic and I can feel the enthusiasm in my veins, which is indescribable. So, let’s get this party started.