Samir Tusneem
10k+ pageviews

Writer since Mar, 2021 · 6 published articles

Samir is a junior in high school who is passionate for the field of journalism. Aside from being a writer for The Teen Magazine, Samir involves himself with his school newspaper, two non-profit organizations, and he currently is running his own newspaper with a couple of his friends. Samir enjoys working with others to accomplish goals and achievements, and he is more than eager to help out whenever he can.

Everything to Know About Applying to College

August 03, 2021

Student Life

2k+ 0

Should SAT Subject Tests Have Been Discontinued?

April 03, 2021

Student Life

1k+ 0

Five Extracurriculars to Pursue During the Summer

March 23, 2021

Student Life

1k+ 0

Apps Every Student Needs During Quarantine

March 22, 2021

Student Life

1k+ 0
