During my volunteering experience this summer, I realized that volunteering, especially its tourism-modified counterpart, allows you to see the world from the perspective of a person who helps the ones who are unable to help themselves. Without further ado, let’s get into it. Here are 10 ways to volunteer, both before and after school. From online document transcription to volunteering abroad, I am sure that you will find something to your liking.
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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)Online Volunteering
You want to volunteer, but don’t want to leave your house? Even for a stroll? Even if it’s healthy? Well, you might find virtual volunteering the perfect option for you.
You have several options. The main one is online tutoring. Just advertise yourself as a payment-free tutor in a subject you know well, and don’t forget to record the conferences or ask for a letter of recommendation from the client for your portfolio.
If you find yourself proficient in nothing (although you might have Impostor Syndrome), you can do some volunteering by transcribing documents. A service offering such opportunities is the Smithsonian.

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Voluntourism: Renovation, Tutoring, Building
Voluntourism is when one travels to another country, spending some of the time volunteering as well. You can search through websites like VolunteerWorld and find a program abroad that suits your needs. If you see the age requirement too high, be sure to ask if parental permission will solve the problem.
I have been volunteering in an 18+ program since I was 16. Was there something inappropriate? Clearly not!
If you are unsure of having certain skills for voluntourism, all you need is to be able to talk in English (and while reading this, you prove it!) plus your savings account can afford a trip to another country. Why not try? Book a flight to Thailand (lodging is usually covered by your volunteering program) and get ready to teach English to Thai children.
No skills apart from knowing the language required. This is the one I visited and in my opinion the best among them all. Involves lodging, working 3-5 days part-time, and offers the chance to make lots of new friends around the world.
Outdoor Volunteering
Hello, fall/autumn! Gear up with a sweep and a rake and go out there to storm the fallen yellow leaves. Nearly all of us like the foliage, but someone must clean it up—why not you?
People will be highly thankful. You can also search for some local projects. Who knows? Maybe you will find some tree planting that will be to your preference.
College/School Volunteering Projects
Try to talk with your teachers about a volunteering project. They will like the idea and help you reach out to those in charge of such events. The special part is that the concept of volunteering can be anything your school is not against.
Helping at Human Shelters
There are homeless people outside, and they need help from people like you. Find a shelter you like and call inquiring about volunteering. 9 times out of 10 they will be happy about your offer to help.
Or… Animal Shelters
Do you like dogs and cats? Find an animal shelter you like and just do the same: inquire/call. I have seen some animal shelters even organize a volunteering program where you can enlist with friends or siblings.
Red Cross Blood Donation
Ah, the Red Cross. This organization offers multiple types of volunteering jobs, of course. The first one is stressful yet the easiest: donate your blood.
There are diseases in the world such as blood cancer or the hard type of Dengue infection, which can be healed only by constantly giving new blood. Such people need more blood before they lose all their native blood, physically or under cancer conditions.
Red Cross Blood Transportation
Those people take your blood, but don’t deliver it to the people in need? Oh, they hire other people for that. Although it might seem like the Red Cross does nothing in all this voluntary blood donation and transportation system, it is the connection between all the people who volunteer. Delivering blood is important, just like donating blood is.
Red Cross Disaster Action Team
If you like action, you can go to DAT. You become the real hero that takes people out of danger. Isn’t it cool? Oh, they also supply your training, no payment required. To be honest, now I am thinking of applying to DAT as well…
Red Cross Disaster Health Services
In every case, there is the frontline and everything in the back. The frontline is powerful, while the back is intellectual and wise. Same with the Red Cross Disaster Team. The Red Cross Disaster Health Service refers to those who give care to the people who are rescued by DAT.
Bonus: Marine Life Shelters Volunteering
This is about voluntourism as well. Except now you help marine life. The difference?
It requires the ability to swim, sometimes even dive with an air tank. You can clean the shores or underwater, while also helping sea turtles.
In conclusion, it is important to understand that the volunteering possibilities are endless. They are nearly always within the reach of your hand. Volunteering can be anything, from helping the elderly cross the road to helping a solo mother by babysitting her child. Try to include some volunteering in your lifestyle!