Senior year is when you finally relax and enjoy your last year in high school before moving on to college or the real world. Reaching the end of your high school journey is bittersweet. On the one hand, you're finally starting a new chapter in your life and moving on.
However, you're also kissing your childhood, friends, and hometown (if you're moving away) goodbye. That being said, senior year is magical when you get to enjoy significant events like prom, senior field trips, and graduation. This is why you must try to enjoy your senior year fully and make the most of your time left. Luckily, this article can serve as a guide to give you some inspiration on what to add to your bucket list so you know what you want to accomplish before you leave senior year.
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I'm sure all the theater kids have done this at least once. Whether you have seen a play before or not, going to a play with your friends would be a great bonding experience. There's nothing more captivating and fascinating than the bright lights, organized choreography, and fantastic music of a Broadway show. A theater is a place where magic is made, and attending a play would allow you to hang out with your friends while immersing yourself in the world of drama.
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Do Something Outside Your Comfort Zone
Pretty sure this is self-explanatory, but do something you've never done before! Senior year is your final year to be with close friends and family. Try exploring new interests or hobbies you've never done before.
Who knows? You might enjoy that activity because you took the time to try something new instead of sticking to the same routine.
Take a Trip
Navigating the stresses of college applications, your senior year course load, and preparing for senior events can be a lot, even for the most organized individuals. Going on a trip with your friends or family would be the perfect way to take a break and explore new places you've never seen before. A trip would also expose you to new cultures and things you've never done before.
Taking a trip has many other advantages, such as improved mental health, greater well-being, and increased mental motivation. Once you go to college, it will be hard to take time off because you’ll be flooded with schoolwork. Which is why it’s important to enjoy the free time that you still have and use it to mellow out before going back to your daily routine. A trip would also expose you to new cultures and customs you've never seen before.
Have a Sleepover
Sleepovers are a fun experience where you invite friends, order food and snacks, choose your favorite movie or activity, and enjoy each other's company. Who doesn't love the opportunity to hang out in PJs all night while watching Gossip Girl? Not to mention, eating breakfast the morning after with all your friends is one of the most elite times of a sleepover.
Write a Time Capsule Letter
Writing a time capsule letter would be a fantastic way to preserve the memories you have with all your family and friends. It would also be a fun experience when it's time to look back at that letter and read what your younger-self wrote and the memories you made in the past.
Explore Your Town
Depending on whether you're moving or not, this could be the last time you see your hometown for a while. Exploring your town can be refreshing and allow you to learn new things about your town that you never knew before. It can also give you a different perspective on your surroundings. You could learn something new about your city's history, or learn something new about yourself that you can use as you continue your life journey.
Create a Senior Scrapbook
Creating a senior scrapbook is a creative method of always carrying all the memories you have made with you. All your photos and memorabilia will be stored in one place, allowing you to look back on all the fun times you've had with your loved ones. It doesn't matter where you are in life. You can always look back and have records of all your significant events during your senior year.
Join a New Club
Not a massive fan of sports? It's okay, me neither. Joining a new club would allow you to make new friends and experience new activities.
You could connect with your classmates on a deeper level and get to know them one last time before you graduate. Who knows? Maybe you can keep in touch with one of your new friends in college!
Register to Vote
Being a senior means that our childhood is fleeting, and we're slowly entering the world of adulthood. With such power comes responsibility. One of these new powers is getting the opportunity to vote and finally have a say in who is responsible for all the policies and laws that affect your everyday life.
You may not be able to vote yet, but once you're 18, you'll finally have a voice and the freedom to choose who will represent your needs as a society. The first step that comes with this process is registering to vote. Before your senior year ends, it wouldn't hurt to register to vote and prepare yourself for this next substantial political milestone.
Visit Your Elementary School Teachers
Your elementary school teachers have been there at the start of your K-12 schooling journey, and it would make sense that you see them as you finish your K-12 journey before starting this new chapter of your life. Visiting your elementary teachers would be an unexpected way to go down memory lane and remember the simpler times and your childhood growing up.
Senior year is a time in everyone's life that should be filled with memories and happiness. Remember to soak up every moment because you only get one senior year. Afterward, you can't get that time back again.
Create memories that you'll be able to look back on and remember fondly. Lastly, take advantage of every opportunity you receive and try to make your senior year something you'll never forget.