For many of you, school has just ended, and the long-awaited summer break journey has begun. With so much time on your hands, it may seem unusually overwhelming and difficult to find something to just “do”. This article aims to help some of you come up with ideas of what to pursue in the summer! Whether you have no clue of what to do or you have already planned out your entire summer, there might just be something here for you to maybe try next.
Image Credit: Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)Gardening Project
With so many sunny days ahead, starting your very own gardening project is an excellent way to spend your time. It is low maintenance and can even help you relax, shielding out the stress in a hectic world so that you can live in the moment. Gardening projects have been a great way for my family and me to bond.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, green beans, hot peppers, cilantro, lettuce, beefsteak leaves – we have grown so much (and incorporated so many vegetables into our diet). It is great because you do not have to put in a lot of work: you just have to be consistent and caring. In no time, you can see the fruits of your patience, which is the greatest reward of them all.

Image Credit: Photo by Mohamed Hassan on Pixabay

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Improve in Anything
Summer is a great time to polish your skills in anything you love. The 100 days of practice challenge was extremely popular in the classical music community, and there is no surprise why. Seeing yourself progress as a learner is so worth it, especially when it comes to doing what you love.
If you are feeling unmotivated, find some challenge that is just out of your reach in terms of skill and use that as a benchmark to work towards. That way, the difficulty is not so bad as to deter you from your goal, but it still provides the necessary obstacle that you need to boost your abilities. For example, I love doing competition math. It is so different from math taught in schools, and for me, it is twice as fun. I love finding problems from past competitions to stretch my imagination and force me to be “savvy” when it comes to applying the theory I have learned. Indeed, it is challenging, but when you solve that problem that has taken you a couple of hours or even days to think about, it is a eureka moment.
Follow a Story with a Big World
Find a TV Show, a video game, or a book to be engrossed in! There is so much out there, so many worlds to be explored, and now is the best time to start. It is surprising how much a fictional world can be so fun to think about and dive into.
One of my favorite worlds is the one crafted in Destiny 2, a video game where you play as a defender of light. Although I do not play the game much, I love learning about the lore. From how the hive gods were created to how the Traveler and the Witness started their ancient battle, there is so much to the story. I think this is a wonderful way to pass your time if you ever find yourself filled with boredom. Get recommendations online, a friend, a teacher, a sibling! Stories are incredible and too precious to miss out on.
Start an Academic Project or Join an Internship
Summer is the perfect time to dive into a project that you are passionate about and also get some real-time experience in the field that you choose. Internships are a great opportunity for you to learn from professionals and get the proper entry into a job or research. It is also undeniable that showing your interests and passion through conducting your projects and participating in an internship can help boost your resume.
As a result, with the stress of exams and final papers gone, you can gain valuable experience while also doing what you love. It's a win-win!

Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Keep in Touch with Friends
As for the last tip, stay in contact with your friends! In a few years, you will likely part ways so use this summer to chat with them and even hang out. The bonds you form in life are sacred, and you should make sure to always cherish them.
Even if you are all busy, you can always spare 10-15 minutes to have a quick call to catch up and see how things are going. Conversations with people you care about can be, I dare say, more fun than going on a vacation.
I hope this has helped stir up some ideas for those who are not quite sure what to do with their free time over the summer. Remember that the best moments are often in the little things so appreciate everything! Use this summer to do what you want to do!