Effective Tips for Preparing for Final Exams: Online Class Edition

Effective Tips for Preparing for Final Exams: Online Class Edition

Student Life

March 29, 2021

Due to this global pandemic, students couldn't go to physical classes because of the lockdown, increasing rates of covid, e.t.c., and to complete our studies and to improve ourselves to the next step we are now attending online classes.

Well, sometimes it's good - we can study in our home and learn at our own steady pace. But at the same time, there are many drawbacks to this.

Now, we have reached the near end of our academic year, here are some tips to study and relax better for our final online exams.

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#1: start learning before

I think you've heard this before in many places. But it's 100% true and it works.

Study every day and you will be ready before your exams. Don't wait for your teachers or your school management to give you the timetable or schedules for your final exams.

Start early and finish early. Cramming the portions a day before your exams will not help you to get better grades.

If you study before your exams, you can cover each topic very clearly and slowly. If you start learning before, you don't need to get anxious about your online exams. For example: If your science teacher had taken a lesson today, after all the classes, revise that. Take some break and revise another portion.

If you try this, I am sure that you'll get higher grades in your finals.

"Make hay while the sun shines"

#2: Schedule your day

Scheduling is the most important thing. If you schedule and follow that, you will have plenty of time to do your hobbies or the things you love or even help the family in some tasks.

It's considered the most effective way to study for your online exams. Scheduling helps you to understand yourself and how much you spend time on each task. This also helps you to respect the time and your brain will adjust and work to it.

The play store or the app store has plenty of useful apps for taking schedules. So, schedule your day, follow it, study hard and achieve what you've been waiting for.

#3: Don't stare at the screen Too Much

The online class will be frustrating to our eyes. Since you are staring at the screen for 3 - 4 hours straight, you will get very tired.

So, after your online classes are over try to go outside and breathe some fresh air. You can even open up all of your windows for fresh air. Looking at the screen will also bring health issues to your body.

If you can, try some glasses that block UV or blue light that emits from your laptop or mobile. Try to walk around your house, talk to your family and go for a walk with your dog. This will help you to relax as well as safeguarding your health.

#4: Take some breaks

Taking breaks is the most important thing. If you study for hours without taking any breaks, you will get exhausted and you can study or cover more topics.

This can make or break your schedule following the streak.

While writing the schedule, make sure you add time to breaks. Like, after studying for an hour, take a break for 15 minutes. At that time, try to have some snacks or drink water or use your restroom e.t.c.

You can also try doing some small exercises in your room. Youtube offers various videos of them. You can follow them and relax. Try to do some yoga every morning because it helps you to relieve your stress and you can start your morning fresh.

A little break can change a lot of things.

#5: relax

Don't stress yourself while studying. If you are feeling stressed or very tensed, try to focus your thoughts on a different place.

You can try some breathing exercises, or you can even scroll through your Instagram feed. But, set a timer or IG because you can forget yourself and waste your time seeing the mobile (It happens to me every time!)

Or, you can even let off some steam from your mind by watching some videos on youtube or listening to music you love.

You can also try reading some fiction novels when you are tense. This will help you to get lost in the book and also will definitely cool you down.

You can try lighting up some scent candles and make your room aesthetic and cozy. If you like to bathe, use bath bombs in your tub so that you can smell the amazing scent and you will get relieved of the stress.

Remember, don't stress out, everything is going to be fine. You are going to ace your online exam!

#6: Try different methods of studying

Try studying different methods of studying.

You can sit on the floor, or even sit in the garden to breathe in some fresh air. You can use flashcards, a flowchart, listening to study music while studying, and much more.

Some of you will grasp the topic using flashcards or some of you will grasp it via watching animated videos about that particular topic. You can also memorize difficult equations by singing them to your favorite tune! You can also use different websites like Khan Academy or Quizlet.

#7: study with your friends

Everything will be much better if you are with your friends.

They can cheer you up, give support, observe your feelings, and will adjust to them. Even studying with friends will be a lot more fun!

They can teach you, or you can teach them. By this method, you and your friend can grasp the topic easily.

But, if you go into talking gossip and stuff like that (I know, it can be interesting) you and your friend will waste your time. You can also create a study group and you can share your notes, doubts, etc.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed"

So, these are the steps you can follow to ace your online exams. Don't worry, you can do it!!

Raksita Rajagopal
10k+ pageviews

Writer since Aug, 2020 · 8 published articles

Raksita Rajagopal is an eighteen-year-old, from India. She's trying to explore this world and enjoys little things that make her happy.
