#90 TRENDING IN Student Life 🔥

The Proper Way to Cram for Your Exams

Student Life

July 11, 2023

Guess, what? It's exam season again! And... you haven't studied at all, have you? Oh, not again!

Lucky for you though, you're not the only one who's been putting off the study grind! So, don't panic, don't fuss, don't pull an all-nighter... yet! I've got you covered with 8 quick ways to properly cram for your exams.

Create A Check-List

When cramming for exams with a long list of content yet to be covered, creating a check list is usually the best place to start. It can help you plan and prioritise specific tasks, and also help you keep track of where you stand amidst the piles of textbooks that've been assigned to you.

By providing a visual representation of your studying/reviewing progress, checklists can also provide you with a sense of accomplishment and boost your motivation to get the tasks on your list done quicker. A useful tip is to also add a specific date or time next to the tasks on your to-do list, to provide yourself with an indication of when you would like to get the task finished by.

Take Key Notes

When creating notes, keep in mind not to write everything down. The most efficient and quick option is to record the main points and write short, succinct sentences that make sense to you. Summarising pages and pages of notes into the most important and relevant points will definitely help you save loads of time and also ensure that you understand everything you are reading.

And remember, key notes can also come in the form of visuals too (which will prove useful to those of you who are visual learners)! Feel free to include labelled diagrams, symbols and any images that you think will help you remember the information best.

Create Diagrams and Mindmaps

Following on from the previous point, visuals are a great way to maximize your learning, particularly if you are someone who learns better by studying diagrams and images. Creating visuals like diagrams and mindmaps, allows you to test your understanding and translate it from words into a simplified work that will, hopefully, make it easier for you to comprehend and retain what you have learned for longer. Don't forget to use color, keys and symbols to bring your hand-made diagrams and mindmaps to life!

Use Flashcards

When in a time crunch, flashcards are your best friend. After organizing the most relevant information into key notes, try creating sets of flashcards so it is easier to keep those key notes in mind. Using flashcards as a method of study is useful as they can help promote active recall and allow you to remember certain formulas, phrases and descriptions better. A tip when creating flashcards is to handwrite them.

I know what you're thinking: 'But I'm trying to cram as much study in as I can before my exams! Why would I waste time handwriting flashcards when I could just type them up on Quizlet or Anki?' While you could definitely save time creating online flashcards rather than hand-written ones, creating flashcards by hand has proven to help with retention and generally assist with remembering the things you learn for much longer.

Group Study Sessions

Lacking motivation? Need an extra push to keep going?

Try organizing a study group with some friends! Studying with friends may seem counterproductive at first, since there's always the chance you'll end up distracted and off-task, rather than focused and productive. However, this is why it is important to choose people who you know will genuinely help you focus, practice and stay motivated while studying together.

Studying with a group of peers is always a great option when cramming for exams, as it allows you to test each other's knowledge, collaborate, and understand materials more thoroughly. It also enables you to get fresh perspectives on a topic, learn new study skills from your peers, fill in personal learning gaps, and most importantly, make studying a lot more enjoyable!

Minimize Distractions

Whether you're studying by yourself or with a group, it is crucial to minimize any sort of distractions, especially if you're cramming for a huge exam. Distractions aren't limited to just social media and your phone, but can come in other forms too: sometimes you get too carried away focusing on one assignment, you forget about another, or sometimes you become burnt out and overwhelmed juggling multiple projects, you forget about your life outside of just work.

This is why it is important we maintain a balance in our lives between work and simply doing the things we enjoy outside of the work bubble.

Keeping this in mind, ways we can prioritize staying focused (but not getting too overwhelmed) while studying and avoiding distractions as much as possible, include: grinding at times when we know we are most productive, breaking down work into smaller do-able tasks, using apps like Forest to discourage social media browsing during studying, changing up your space to clear out possible distractions and rewarding yourself afterwards to keep yourself motivated.

Do As Many Practice Q's As Possible

Practice makes perfect! And the best way to practice? Why, by doing practice papers, of course! This particular study method should be readily available to most with a quick search and click of the mouse, ensuring you are prepared for any type of question that may come your way during your exam by exposing you to past questioning techniques that may still be relevant in the exam you will be sitting.

Doing as many practice papers as you can, will not only allow you to efficiently pin-point your slightly 'weaker' points on a topic, but will hopefully also help increase your confidence when walking into the exam. Completing past papers is also a great way of acquiring extra information on a topic that you otherwise wouldn't have known of or may have missed when reading through textbooks or class notes. Thus, making them one of the most effective study options out there.

Friend and Foe,Youtube is both

OK, hear me out: Youtube is actually a great source of education! Whether you've looked to Youtube to teach you how to crochet a sweater, whip up a five-star Mother's Day breakfast, or even to complete your seemingly impossible Math homework - you've got to admit, Youtube can be a pretty useful tool when it wants to be (and, by that, I mean by Youtube not tempting you to watch My Little Pony clips when you should you be finishing off an assignment instead).

Granted you don't wander off to browse 'funny cat videos', Youtube can be a useful way to learn complex and lengthy concepts when under a time constraint. For most, it is often easier to concentrate and learn from video content rather than reading a textbook, particularly if you are a visual learner. By acting as a visual/audio assistant, motivator and creative platform, Youtube makes it much easier and enjoyable to learn content, rather than if you were to do so from a textbook or pile of notes. Wouldn't you agree?


In the end, it is always up to you to choose how you want to study for your upcoming exams. But hopefully, these 8 study tips have given you ideas on how you can plan out the next few days before your exam, and ~ effortlessly ~ achieve your dream mark or grade. Remember to take frequent breaks to avoid burning out, and reward yourself after all your hard work.

Happy cramming!

Tasnuva Faisal
5,000+ pageviews

Tasnuva Faisal is a high school student based in Australia, who is currently a writer and editor for The Teen Magazine. She is one to adore a good read and the chance to learn something new. When she hasn't gotten her nose stuck in a book, she loves baking treats for friends and family, playing the piano and writing to her heart's content. Having written several top trending articles, Tasnuva aspires to use her work to reach teens around the world and inspire them to pursue their dreams and become their best selves!
