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Creating a Consistent Routine Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Personal Growth

June 23, 2022

The school year forces students to stick to a monotonous routine: wake up early, get ready, arrive at school, attend classes, go home, complete homework, and fall asleep, only for students to repeat this same routine the following day. It is not a surprise that this routine gets old fast. But, during the summertime, students have the time and ability to establish a routine for themselves.

Contrary to popular belief, creating a routine does not need to include waking up exceptionally early and then working all day to cross the tasks off your to-do list. Implementing and sticking to a routine can and should be enjoyable.

Why Have A Consistent Routine?

Establishing a routine in your daily life will allow you to understand your priorities, gain motivation, and implement new habits, all of which will push you to tackle your goals. More importantly, a consistent routine provides you with a sense of power and control over your progress. In other words, a consistent routine invests in yourself, as it provides time for yourself to do all that you wish.

More Time To Relax

Although a consistent routine may give the impression that you are always working, it actually can have the opposite effect on your life. When you plan wisely and push yourself to achieve your daily tasks efficiently, you have more time in your schedule to relax. Having time to relax becomes a motivator to continue working diligently.

Identify The Tasks You Need In Your Routine

A sustainable and successful routine is one that prioritizes certain tasks over others. You may start your day wanting to accomplish dozens of different tasks. But, of course, there is not enough time to get everything done. By deciding which tasks are most important and need to be at the top of your to-do list, you will find that you are more productive and better able to manage your time.

So, when you feel overwhelmed by the countless tasks you need to get done, take the time to ask yourself which tasks you need to prioritize. Simply taking the time to recognize the objectives of your day will prevent you from procrastinating and not following your routine.

Make A Specific Plan For Each Day

Taking extra time to think about when you plan on completing each task is wise, especially for individuals needing more clarity in their routine. For instance, a key detail to your daily routine could be waking up at 8:00 am. Thinking about how much time each takes requires is crucial for some people, as it helps them plan out their day and manage their time. But, if you find that sticking to a very detailed plan discourages you from following your routine, feel free to stick to a more general, broad plan that still guides you throughout your day.

Your Routine Needs To Be Flexible

Although a routine is meant to be structured, things will inevitably get in the way. You may have to go to an appointment during the time you usually spend working. Or, you may be going to a friend's party that takes time out of your routine.

Whatever the case may be, life happens and it's important to prioritize being flexible. This is not to say that routines and structure aren't important -- they are. But, it's also crucial to stay in the present and feel comfortable with not always being in control.

If something interferes with your plan for the day, don't fixate on it too much. Instead, focus your energy on accomplishing the most out of the time you do have.

Start Your Morning Off Strong

Lacking the motivation to stick to a routine is common. By kicking your morning off by doing the things you love, you will be more inclined to follow through with your goals. Your morning routine may be simple, just consisting of waking up, getting ready for the day, and eating breakfast.

Or, it can be more intricate, including activities like working out or reading. Doing what makes you feel your best in the morning will prepare you for the rest of your day and push you to stay on track.

Adjust Your Routine As You Go

No routine will be perfect at first. Establishing a routine that truly works for you and your life takes time, effort, and patience. If you find that some aspects of your routine didn't go as you planned, don't be afraid to modify your routine. Whether you want to change the time you wake up or the time allotted to work, understand that altering your routine is key to developing the right one.

When creating a consistent routine, it is vital to remind yourself that what works for someone else, might not work for you. If you don't enjoy your daily routine, you will not be able to maintain it. Above all else, remember that implementing new habits and establishing a routine does not happen instantly. It takes getting used to, but it's worth it once you find a routine that supports you in becoming the best version of yourself.

Sophene Avedissian
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Sophene Avedissian is a sophomore in high school. She writes for her school newspaper, Spyglass, the Los Angeles Times High School Insider, and the Youth Civics Initiative. During her free time, Sophene enjoys reading, playing soccer, and spending time with family and friends.
