Let's all be honest. Sometimes or the other, we have felt like this. Aimless, unmotivated, and in a place where nothing seems to go our way.
As people, we have felt the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. But rather surprisingly we take our lows much more personally than our highs. There is no argument about the fact that we are happy when we reach our goals, but the one thing we all tend to do is think that we have hit rock bottom the time the smallest(or the biggest) thing does not go the way we wanted it to. This small thing can be getting an A- on one of our tests instead of an A+. But this can even be something so big that it is life-changing.
But mainly, we have all experienced a time in our life when we know what we want, and we know how to reach our goal but there is just that one thing missing that is keeping us from reaching those goals, and most of the time we don't even know what that one thing is. It is because of this one thing or problem that we tend to start feeling aimless, not knowing how to go about the next step. But the one thing we all should remember is the fact that hiding from the problem will not fix it, instead embracing it, coping with it, and learning to deal with it will make us feel much better.
Sometimes, we might not be able to recognize our problem, let alone come up with solutions. So here are a few ways that one can bring themselves out of that place in your mind where nothing seems to be going right.
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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)1. Be Yourself
Call it the first step, but the first thing we all need to do is to recognize and acknowledge the problem at hand. Ignoring feelings, thinking that you will battle through this and self-demotivation will not make the problem better, instead, the problem amplifies 10-fold. Be kind, be gentle to yourself.
Keep reassuring yourself that this is just a phase in your life that has come to teach you something. That has come to change you for the better.
While being positive may seem almost unreal at this time, try talking to a friend or a family member who you know will make you feel better. Talking to a loved one will not only make you a little happy, but it also makes you realize that you have people who care about you, whether or not you are facing a problem. These problems will not last long, but these special relationships truly will.

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2. Identify the Root Cause
Loss or lack of motivation is possibly the biggest contributor to the inability to pinpoint where things went wrong. Take some time to recall some possible triggers or reasons that might have disturbed you, however small it may be. Is it something from last week?
Is it simply the feeling of frustration towards the current job that has lasted far too long? Or is it just a combination of little irritations that have built up? Here are a few other possibilities for the root causes:
- Burnout: If you find yourself to be in this kind of a position where you feel blunt and really worn out, it could be more than mere laziness. For instance, one may be suffering from burnout that needs time off work, not more work.
- Fear of Failure: Are you in such a situation where you would rather not do anything because of the fear of failure? This is a cage whereby movement to any direction will remain a pitch of an idea.
3. Daily and Small Accomplishments
Sometimes, the reason we feel stuck is that we’re looking at our problems as huge, and sometimes unaccomplishable challenges. This feeling of being overwhelmed can cause a sense of disturbance, often to the point where just eating a bowl of ice cream and watching Netflix makes more sense than doing anything else. But the main thing we can do (after watching Netflix of course!) to get over this feeling of aimlessness is by taking one step at a time.
Focus on getting little things done. Divide your final goal into small steps and take it one step at a time. This is so that every time you complete a step or achieve that small thing you set out to do that day, you feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness.
4. Physical Wellbeing
Physical health is closely related to mental health. There is a tendency to be in a depressed state for a longer time if your body is feeling weak. Always listen to what your body is trying to tell you, you may be over-exerting yourself.
Exercise. Movement is one of the best things you can do to change your mood for the better. Physical activity causes our body to release hormones known as endorphins, as well as decreases stress levels, and provides one with a sense of achievement. Sometimes even a step outdoors is enough to uplift your spirit. Sleep and nutrition are just as important. Make sure that both sleeping time is sufficient and the food eaten is healthy in nature. Lack of food and ample sleep might drive our energy levels low and turn us into a couch potato.
5. Routine, but With a Twist
Despite the advantages that can be derived from work routines in the organization of our day and the feelings of normality these schedules give us, a nagging feeling of a constant cycle can be felt by an extreme adherence to these schedules. Instead, having absolutely no organization can result in limited progress. Have a routine but let it change.
Benchmark acceptable daily illnesses or practices such as meditation, exercises, and writing into the daily schedule. But give yourself space to adjust if things are not working out as expected. Do the alternate thing too. Once in a while, do something different other than your normal routine. This can help in changing your perspective and eliminating downtimes that most people face.