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PHOTO BY Josh Gallo

A Young Star in the Making: Tati McQuay Talks Social Media and Chasing Her Dreams

Social Media

July 11, 2022

Professional dancer, black belt martial artist, and upcoming actress- it seems like Tatiana "Tati" McQuay's talents know no bounds. At only 18 years old, the social media influencer and fashion lover is definitely worthy of taking interest to with her bubbly yet chill personality and determined mindset.

Recently finished with filming as the character Dani for the latest trending sitcom “Gordita Chronicles”, which premiered June 26th on HBO Max, Tati is only entering the scene of her passions. In this talk with The Teen Magazine, Tati gives us a small glimpse into her world as an actress and dancer, as well as learning what it means to really be a well-rounded woman in the entertainment industry.

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Growing A Love For Dance

As we all know, Tati McQuay is best known as a professional dancer, amongst other things. When asked how she got into dancing and became as talented as she is, she enthusiastically gave us the inside scoop as to how her passion grew.

"I've been into dancing since I was little," said Tati, "Watching videos on MTV, seeing J.Lo and others perform... My mom saw how much I loved dancing and put me into classes when I was only two. It's funny because I remember wanting to do hip-hop dance lessons sooo badly, but you had to be 4 to do them. So I tweaked the truth a bit, and told the instructor that I was going to be 4 soon- but in reality, my birthday was months later. I don't know if she actually believed me, but she let me into hip-hop classes early and my love for dance only grew from there!"

Ever since she was a little girl, Tati knew that all she wanted to do was dance and act- just like her fashion idol, Jennifer "J.Lo" Lopez. When asked about her fashion icon and role model, Tati was not shy about expressing her admiration for the Latina celeb, “J.Lo is my biggest fashion icon. First, she was a professional dancer [like me], then she started acting, and then she became a singer.

She’s done it all! Not to mention how iconic her looks are. Plus, we’re both Puerto Rican!”

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Sharing Her Side Of Fashion

Aside from her jaw-droppingly amazing dances, Tati is a very popular social media influencer with thousands of followers. Her most popular posts are fashion-inspired, with various trendy images of her outfits of the day.

When asked about whether or not she has any fashion do's and don'ts, Tati admirably told us that she in fact does not have any. She believes that fashion is completely subjective, and her style is forever evolving.

Learning From Acting

When asked about her recent project ventures, Tati reflected, "Well, I have recently just finished filming Gordita Chronicles for 6 months in Puerto Rico. It was an amazing experience!

Out of all of the movies and televised debuts that Tati has made so far, Tati shared that the most impactful thus far has been The Lies I Tell Myself. While it has not come out yet, Tati did not shy away from letting us know that it has taught her a lot and helped her to really connect with her role, which brought out a different side of her as an actress. She also stated that she made a point to step out of just dancing, and venturing out into acting, which seemed to have definitely made a change in her career for the better!

Looking Ahead To The Future

From there on, Tati has her vision set for what she'd like to do in the future. She does not hesitate in telling us of her career plans: "I definitely want to do more acting. You know, being a well-rounded person in this [entertainment] industry- because that's really important."

Tati isn't limiting herself to just acting, however; the young star is all about discovering her passions and interests. "I also want to be a superhero in a movie, own some sort of business like in fashion or makeup or even skincare, and hopefully give back through either fundraisers or advocating to change the world."

A Piece Of Advice

Being a social media influencer along with acting and dancing is certainly an intriguing path, and Tati had some words of wisdom to share. First and foremost, Tati widely advised that the reality is far different than what people see on social media. "It's not all exactly as it seems," she said, "Living in America is very much not the American dream."

She also went on to advise young minds that "there are, indeed, many obstacles that will remind you that it's not all perfect- a lot of it [social media] are just fabrications." When then asked if there's any message she wants to promote through her platform to other young minds, she says if there was any, it would be to "live life like you only have one; there's only one life so live it being happy. Being happy with yourself is all that matters in the end."

Tati also wasn't afraid to let us know that pursuing dream career choices most definitely can change someone; it certainly changed her life forever- and not in a bad way. "Sure, you have your teen problems. But you're exposed to so many great opportunities that it makes it worth it," she said.

10 Quick Questions with Tati

If you could have dinner with any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be? And why?

Justin Bieber because he sings and dances like me. Also, we're both from Canada and started performing really young, plus I've been a huge fan since I was younger!

What superpower would you want? What would your superhero name be?

Definitely reading people's minds. Since I'm a very observant person and I'm always thinking. I'm not too sure what my name would be. But it would definitely have the word mind in it.

Would you ever pursue music again?

Yes! Most definitely!

What is your comfort meal?

Sushi and crispy rice. If nothing else can make me feel better on a really bad day, that will.

Any upcoming trips you're looking forward to?

I'm going on a trip with a group of friends to Bali next year. It's an influencer thing, but I'm still really excited!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Spend time with family or friends. Or working out, maybe even go do some boxing.

What is a normal week like for you?

Workout in the morning, auditions or training, events or dinners to attend, eat or something next, but I wouldn't say I really have a normal week. Every week is different, since my schedule is changing pretty constantly.

If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Either Greece or Paris.

What style(s) do you think will be in this Autumn?

Maybe the 80s. Since a lot of shows seem to be bringing it back. Like Stranger Things, or even the show I'm in [Gordita Chronicles].

Any goals that you plan or want to achieve this year?

Focusing on acting more.

Keep Up With Tati

To keep up with Tati, be sure to check her out on Instagram @tatimcquay!

Naia Freeman
20k+ pageviews

Writer since Aug, 2020 · 11 published articles

Naia Freeman lives in Albany, NY where she goes to school and is an interviewer for The Teen Magazine. She has always been very creative and imaginative with a passion for literature, art, and fashion. Naia likes to spend her free time drawing, sewing, writing, reading, working out, cooking/baking, and coming up with new projects and ideas.

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