#13 TRENDING IN Relationships 🔥

7 Easy Indoor Date Activities That Are Free of Cost for Teens and Young Adults


Mon, January 06

While the idea of going on dates seems like a stressful, wallet-drying activity, it doesn't have to be that way. There are plenty of things to do with your special someone that are just as, or even more fun as going out of the house to do. They are also ideal for times of bad weather, busy schedules, and budgeting.

These 7 simple, and inexpensive, date ideas are the perfect way to spend time with your partner.

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Game Night!

It's time to break out the old games from the closet or shuffle the playing cards; a game-date night is the perfect way to have fun without breaking the bank. Whether you play a long Monopoly game or short Poker rounds, you and your partner can enjoy quality time together. To make the experience more inviting, put on music or grab some snacks and drinks.

For a more playful approach, place an incentive for the winner versus the loser. For example, the loser has to kiss the winner or give them 5 minutes of back/arm scratches.

Iron Chef

Dinner dates are a common way to get romantic, but can quickly become costly. Except, what could be more romantic than a cozy meal from home? Making a meal from home would be something you already do, but turning it into a date is a sweet and easy way to make it special.

Making a beloved meal or trying a new recipe will surely cook up a good time. Making food isn't just about the preparation, eating it is just as important. Dimming the lights and lighting a candle is a simple way to elevate the ambiance, and your partner will appreciate your efforts.

Pop Quiz

Boo, pop quizzes! However, they can be fun with the right quiz and person. Take turns, or at the same time, complete online quizzes, such as personality quizzes, and compare answers.

It is a way to get to know each other better with an exciting tone. There are plenty of options to stay entertained for hours. Just take a look at The Teen Magazine's selection of fun quizzes! For quizzes click here.

DIY Date

Arts and crafts was a popular activity in childhood and comes with some of the best memories. Bring back the good times and make more along the way, and an arts and crafts night with your partner is the perfect way to do so. From mini clay sculptures to paintings to papier-mâché, there are plenty of options for your date.

Using things you already have in the house to save money (and the planet!). You can even craft gifts for each other to keep at the end of the date. This activity is little spent, much to earn!

Spa Night

Cucumbers on the eyes and plush robes are the cliche image of a spa day, but who wouldn't love that? It might feel a little silly, but it makes for a fun and cozy night to share with your partner. You don't need to have extensive products like face masks or humidifiers to enjoy the time together.

Warm towels, comfy clothes, and basic skin care are simple and plentiful ways to enjoy each others' company while staying entertained. Adding a movie to the mix can make the time last longer.


Unleash your inner Lady Gaga and do a fun paparazzi date! Now, you can capture the moment while having a blast. There are many ways to go about the idea with various levels of intensity.

One way is to take pictures of going about the date, but another is to set up a full-blown photoshoot. There doesn't have to be lots of expensive equipment or backdrops to do this, just your creativity and a camera (like on your phone)! Set up a dim light, dress up, and pose with various objects and it is your very own Vogue! There is a lot of creative freedom with this date, so there is a way for everyone to enjoy.

Indoor Forts

Grab some pillows and blankets for this one- an indoor fort is a whimsical and romantic (and don't forget magical) date. Building the fort is a great start to the activity, but being with your partner under the canopy of plush is even better. You can set up lights, a laptop, and snacks to settle into your fluffy igloo.

It doesn't matter what you and your partner do, as long as you have fun and try not break the bank. Doing just one of these date ideas, or all of them, will do just that. Change them up however works best for you and enjoy!

Kayla Garcia

Writer since Dec, 2024 · 1 published articles

Kayla Garcia is a high school junior and plans on continuing her school career into college. When not thinking about school, she enjoys playing with her dog, going thrifting, finding cute cafes, reading, watching movies and browsing Pinterest.
