#88 TRENDING IN Personal Growth 🔥

10 Philosophical Concepts Worth Carrying Daily

Personal Growth

May 26, 2023

In the past three years, the world has practically stopped and begun again. It’s been natural to feel lost between who you were before the world stopped, and who you are now. But really, isn’t it easy to get lost even without the world stopping?

In finding ourselves, it's important to recognize we are all pushing through something, whether it's said or not. Although what truly matters is how we learn to leave dark places, and how we affect the world around us. Here are 10 philosophical concepts for growing, learning, and discovering, that you should carry with you daily.

I. Accepting the World as Undeniably Scary

Untitled. (Leah Swan)

It is as easy to feel frightened while doing the simplest acts as it is to flip a light switch. We must go about life knowing that it is, utterly, terrifying. There is simply no way around this fact other than embracement. Embrace fearful growth, as the world itself is still growing.

II. Routing Insignificance in an Ever-Changing Environment

CNVOO50. (George Lewis Baker)

As environments change, we change! Developing new roles and new ways of navigating life is tough, therefore making it extremely easy to feel insignificant. Our brains often automatically assume change is negative, though it is solely uncomfortable.

It's important to unlink identity from the environment throughout daily life. As change only opens new doors and new ideas.

III. Defying the negative Ideals behind Epiphenomenalism

CNVOO50. (George Lewis Baker)

Epiphenomenalism is the idea that our conscious minds do not affect the physical world. The concept is quite terrifying, considering it shows that we simply don’t matter, that everything we do, feel, and think, is simply irrelevant, and barely real, because it does not affect us physically. It feels easy to accept this during times of doubt.

Though, we must associate this concept with being completely false! It is self-contradictory. Our thoughts, feelings, and ideas affect and change the physical world around us, whether or not epiphenomenalism likes it, we “peeps” matter!

IV. Opening up to Art Everywhere, in Everything, in Everyone

Between ourselves, our screens, and the sky. (Ryan Molnar)

Art is everywhere, it’s in your sink, on your walk, and in that song that the radio overplays. Whether we realize it or not, art surrounds us in all aspects of everyday life. There is significance in knowing that every movement and conversation you have is art.

That fight you got into with your mom this morning? Yeah, that was art. A cup of black coffee poured into an ancient mug? Art. Art is simply in everything, regardless of if we are looking in the right places. As long as you are making, taking, or learning, it’s art.

V. indulging & enjoying Simple Moments

Untitled. (Dani lol)

Simple moments like brushing your teeth, or making eggs, are easy to overlook. We forget to indulge in completely regular, though magnificent parts of life. Day-to-day joys are so foundational in how we think and feel about everything else.

We must complement even the simplest of things. That pan of eggs? Radiant. Picked up a $1 coffee from the gas station? It was gross, but it warmed your hands. Sometimes we have to recognize small beauty to appreciate large beauty. Nonetheless, life is weird.

VI. Resurrecting the concepts behind Epicureanism

Street. (Alex Webb)

The Ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus suggested that to experience tranquillity, we must limit our desires and seek to understand the world. The idea of epicureanism claims that happiness in life itself is obtained through moderation, community, and simplicity. Epicurus believed that it is impossible to avoid vulnerability.

Unfortunately, such an idea has been passed over time. Devoting time and thought to openness and simplicity is ever so important, and must be brought back and incorporated into daily life.

VII. Befriending Uncertainty

2009. late night at a paper store. (Kit Man)

One of the few certainties in life is that uncertainty isn’t going anywhere. If anything, it’s everywhere. As a society, we have already begun to develop an understanding of how to be strong in the face of uncertainty.

Though on a personal level, it’s not so easy. Personal uncertainty can make the world feel extremely small. We all feel it daily. Sometimes, being uncertain does not mean you are lost or have failed. It might just mean you are alive.

VIII. perceiving the world with a child-like wonder

Without Walls. (Chelsea Parrett)

Maturity is undeniably one of the most essential parts of growing up. In that, life doesn't create infinite little silly things for us not to laugh at them! It’s okay to look at the world through a child’s eyes sometimes.

We might turn 80, but we were once 50, and 30, and 20, and 10, and all before that. Those eyes are still yours. Let them shine sometimes.

IX. Allowing The Human Experience to do its thing

Good morning. (Anna Alucidum)

We are all so similar, and yet so afraid to be human in front of one another. Fearful to cry, or even laugh. Fear of love and rejection.

Generally, we fear surrendering ourselves to one another. It is hidden, but we all share the same emotions. We do the same things and often make the same mistakes. We mispronounce names and make messes. We tell ourselves no one can ever understand, yet everyone can. Vulnerability is a friend. We must stop treating it like a monster!

X. Letting yourself Go Gently

Out of Reception. (Foster Huntington)\

Reaching for a gentle life is reaching for a good one. A life filled with laughter and friendship. Music and food.

Dew-covered grass and bare feet. To want to put on a movie only to talk about it. Wear silly clothes. To kiss, and be kissed. The Earth will eventually leave us all flowers anyway. So, I want to feel the kind of laughter that causes stomach aches and migraines. Want to cry, scream, and sing? Want to know others as poetry, intricately, and openly. Want to know both joy and pain. We’re all going anyway. Let’s go gently.

There is no such thing as figuring it all out. It might never all be figured out. The way we choose to navigate life during these times is what will outshine all else.

The significance of discovering ourselves will result in a reflection of who we truly are. How we are both lost and found, as neither is perfect.

Gabriella Montez

Writer since May, 2023 · 3 published articles

Gabriella is a rising writer from Massachusetts who loves all things written, from fantasy fiction to poetry. When she's not writing or reading, Gabriella spends her spare time drawing, running and playing soccer. She's a part of her high school's independent newspaper, The Spectrum. With passion for all literary involvement, Gabriella's work is eye-catching for all young readers.
