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Why More Teenagers Need to Start Reading

Art & Literature

July 13, 2024

Reading is a hobby, or for some, a task, that many of us began doing when we were just a few years old. Whether it be in the classroom, at the library, or even just walking around places and looking at signs, reading was implanted into our brains. However, as we got older and started to turn toward other activities, like watching TV, for example, reading has been put on the back-burner for multiple teenagers today. And although there are still a plentiful number of teens that do still read, it is not anywhere near enough.

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Reading Stimulates the Brain

Reading is perhaps one of the greatest activities for your brain to take part in. It doesn’t just give your brain something to occupy it but rather allows it to be engaged and challenged at the same time.

Your mind is always requiring some sort of communication, work, or other interaction that will help it stay sharp and in focus. However, not enough activities can do this. Reading can, though!

It gives your brain active stimulation by allowing it to absorb a plethora of words and information that must be understood. It also gives your mind new words to understand and process, which increases your vocabulary as well. Learning new words is important, and reading makes that happen.

It also allows your brain to actively adapt to new plots and characters. This is more challenging than when watching a TV show because you cannot see the characters or what is going on, but instead, you just visualize it instead. This makes your brain have to work to see everything, thus providing it with a strong activity.

Brain stimulation is also so important because it helps keep your mind active, especially when aging. When our brains slow down from lack of activity, they can become less sharp. This is common in the elderly.

However, the best way to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you is to start reading now. If you start a hobby now, the odds are much higher that you’ll stay with it long-term, unlike if you wait to start it when you’re old, which most likely won’t happen. In fact, reading anything, such as the news or the paper, can give your brain stimulation. Just putting words in front of your eyes and understanding what you are reading can keep your mind active and healthy. Therefore, reading as a teenager is not just beneficial now, but can help you as you get older, too.

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It’s Non-Electronic

Many hobbies nowadays are all done on electronics. Phone games, solitaire playing, or other activities are all done on computers or other devices, which makes them electronic-based. However, reading beats this.

Reading is done by holding a physical book, which is clearly not electronic. Getting to hold a book in your hands is a unique experience that cannot be replicated any other way, which is why it’s so important. The crisp pages in your hands are just one of the many features of reading, plus many others.

And of course, while reading can be done on a tablet, most people still opt for a hard copy book instead. Reading is a traditionally paper-based activity, and because of that, tablet reading is not that prominent. Reading keeps your mind occupied and off of your phone, and the radiation it brings with it, which makes it all the better of an activity.

Having an activity that is non-electronic is so important because of how much of our lives are online. Having school, work, and many other activities done through online platforms means that we are never given a break from our screens. This can make technology feel overwhelming and even addicting to some people, which just proves how powerful reading can be since it requires no technology.

With reading, all you need is a book, which is all on paper. This allows you to break away from your phone and tablet and get a break from the electronic world.

Many people report feeling happier when away from electronics. This is due to the brain getting a chance to unwind when not focused on a screen. Going off that, reading just serves, once again, as the perfect activity to keep you engaged and happy. It’s good for your brain and it’s fun, making it the perfect activity.

It’s Fun

Nothing is more fun than reading! The variety of genres that books can come in is just extraordinary! Romance, horror, mystery, and even young adult (YA) books are some of the many types of genres that can exist.

Each genre contains its own elements to it, such as plot changes and character developments. Because of that, each element makes the genres one of a kind.

Reading can also be done in any environment. Many hobbies can only be done in certain places, such as sports, which can only be done in their respective environments. However, reading does not require any of this. No matter the place, the weather, or even the time, reading can be done at any time.

Another reason why reading is so intriguing is because it allows you to visualize everything in your own way. Unlike when watching a film, where you are shown exactly what everything and everyone looks like, with reading, you can make it up as you go. This allows you to envision something completely different than what another reader may see. This doesn’t just then make reading an interactive experience, but a unique one as well.

Reading is an Independent Activity

Another top reason why reading is the perfect hobby is because it is independent. No partnerships or teammates are needed for reading as the point of it is to read alone. This makes it easy to read because no reliance on others is needed.

Relying on others is not always the best thing to do because that means that if you need someone else to help you and they are not there, you then cannot thus do the activity. However, reading does not put you in this bad position. Reading gives you the opportunity to be as independent as you wish.

You can do it whenever you want, no matter who you’re with. Reading is therefore the perfect hobby for any and all teens-no matter who they’re with.

Overall, reading provides many benefits to itself that make it the perfect hobby for all kinds of people. Some amazing books to look out for are The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.

Salinger. These are both spectacular novels that will keep you entertained for hours. Whether it be a romance book or a mystery, reading can be great for anybody, no matter who you are.

Miley Weiner
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Miley Weiner is a high school student who loves writing. She is the founder of MileysBags, a business where she modifies backpacks to be used for people with feeding tubes. She hopes to raise awareness for rare illnesses and show others that anyone can do anything.

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