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Why Is the TV Show Friends Still Popular Today?


July 03, 2024

Friends has long been one of the most popular and successful TV shows to date, with people of all ages knowing and loving the show dearly. However, it can be easily confusing to understand why this show seems to have always been just destined for greatness. So, dig into this article and uncover the answers about this TV show phenomenon that you are surely eager to know.

What Is Friends About?

Taking place in New York City (NYC), this TV show follows six young adults in their twenties as they embark on their life journeys and struggles, with each other to lean on as moral support. The main characters are three girls and three boys and they all dabble with work, family issues, and more while they share their good times and laughs in the Central Perk-the characters’s favorite coffee house. Each person has their own problems and careers, which makes them all have their own storyline as well.

Because of that, this show never gets boring or runs out of things to say. The laughs never stop coming, which just makes it all the more entertaining to watch.A main plot point of the show is the many different relationships that each character has. To start, two of the main characters, Ross and Rachel, are constantly dating and then not dating, making their love lives revolve around each other. So, even when they have other romantic partners, it’s as if they really don’t. And Joey, another character, is always getting a new girlfriend-practically every episode, to be frank. This makes his love life seem like a joke to most of the characters as he can never have a steady partner for long. Of course though, these are only some of the characters and their many, many relationships.Having such a lighthearted show with such simultaneous emotions to it is not seen much today, which is a major reason as to why Friends is still so heavily watched. It is snappy, yet subtle, and that only makes it extra special.

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Its Plethora of Seasons

One thing that Friends never fails to do is provide its viewers with a never ending supply of episodes to see. With over two hundred episodes to brag about, Friends is the perfect TV show for people who like to be engaged for a long time. Since it goes on and on, viewers will be sure to stay hooked for a very long time.

Even more than that, the amount of plot lines that the show holds is insane as well. Just the mere number of relationships the characters have is hard enough to remember, not to mention all the other side stories that get lumped in. Clearly, this show’s popularity is very much deserved, as these plots make it all the more intriguing to the audience.Something else about its many seasons is that despite having so many episodes, the plot lines always stayed consistent. Many sitcoms fail to engage the audience for a long time because of how indecisive each of their episodes are. However, Friends does a great job at this.An example can be cited with Joey and Chandler’s fight over a girlfriend named Kathy. They both liked her and their predicament continued over a multi-episode arc. This allowed the show to really dive deep into the emotions of each character and show how their relationship was changing due to Kathy. Another time this was seen was through Joey and Chandler’s pet chicken and duck, who appear in multiple episodes. This allows viewers to build a relationship with Chandler and Joey as they are seeing many sides of them that they may not have before. Of course though, while not every plot is extended through many episodes, the important ones are, which makes this show even more amazing.

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Its Fun Characters

One thing that this TV show is also excellent at is its amazing cast. With six main characters, it’s hard to believe that the writers were able to make such unique traits for each one. The three female characters, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe, all have many similarities, such as their love for clothes, but each one is also insanely different too.

Monica is a fancy chef that loves to clean, while Rachel and Phoebe both hate cleaning and would rather eat their meals than make them. Another cool thing about Rachel is that she works in fashion, while Phoebe does not and instead has a whole array of careers throughout the show.

And the guys, Chandler, Ross, and Joey, are just as unique as the girls. Chandler is the comedian who loves to make jokes and Ross is a paleontologist who likes dinosaurs. Joey, on the other hand, doesn’t has anything unique to him except for the fact that he’s an actor who is considered less than of average intelligence.

While he is the punchline of many jokes, he is perhaps the most lovable of them all. Each male has their own personality type that makes them worlds apart but also allows them to blend together and make the show a hit.

By having such great characters that complement each other so well, Friends has been able to set the bar high for what a proper cast should look like. The creativity of the writers to create such wondrous people does not just exemplify their talents, but their dedication to the craft of writing. Without these characters, it’s certain that Friends wouldn’t be the hit it is today.

The TV show Friends has been seen by many people around the globe and has even spurred a reunion episode as well. This show has a large amount of positive elements to it, like its many seasons and characters, which are just some of the things that make it so special. Make sure to watch this show as soon as you can, and comment your favorite episode too!

Miley Weiner
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Miley Weiner is a high school student who loves writing. She is the founder of MileysBags, a business where she modifies backpacks to be used for people with feeding tubes. She hopes to raise awareness for rare illnesses and show others that anyone can do anything.

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