What to Know About Going on a Road Trip with Your Best Friends
#99 TRENDING IN Relationships 🔥

What to Know About Going on a Road Trip with Your Best Friends


November 14, 2020

Summer break is rolling around the corner fast and there is going to be a fair share of road trips. A break away from home is exactly what all of us need every once in a while, who better to share it with than your closest group of friends? Many memories will be made from even a weekend away, whether it be to a bustling city or a journey to the sandy shores.

It can be difficult to plan a road trip, what do you pack? What do you do when you arrive? If you're deciding to take a trip with your besties -buckle up we've got you covered.


A road trip isn't a road trip if the squad can't sprawl out on a bed after those long hours of driving. If you plan on staying at an Airbnb or renting a room make sure it has enough space for everyone and is safe! On the other hand, you might already have a friend's holiday home or a family's place to stay, remember to have a room prepared (...and the fridge fully stocked). Maybe if you're eager enough you might hunker down in your car you drove in, just make sure that you won’t be completely off the grid for the entire duration of the trip.

Driving to the destination

Once everyone's in the car it’ll be an adrenaline rush, don’t freak. Make sure you have a plan. The driver needs to stay focused and keep their eyes on the road; the front seat passenger needs to make sure the driver doesn’t end up taking the wrong turn off and control the music… if only it were that easy.

Trust me when I say, everybody wants to control the music. Expect at least one argument over the music, it’s a road trip given.

More driving…

Any road trip means you're going to be in the car for a while, make sure you're fully prepared for those few hours. Have those in the backseat be on the lookout for landmarks and places to stop and take in the sights. If you have service, open up a map online and see if you can spot any interesting places to eat along the way. There will be countless Insta-worthy places to stop off at, so take a break and snap some shots to capture the start of your journey!

What to pack?

The real life altering question, should you bring your entire wardrobe? No... you shouldn't, but if you're going to be the designated leader of this road trip you’ll need to bring a lot more. Depending on where you're going, write up all the possible items you might need and use.

As an attendee of a road trip with your besties, an overnight bag or backpack suffices with the essentials.

  1. Clothes (Pack extra in case of the need for a sudden outfit change!)
  2. Pajamas
  3. Toiletry essentials ie: toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup, deodorant, skincare, etc.
  4. Pillow and or sleeping bag, if asked to bring
  5. Phone, phone charger/power bank
  6. Earphones (could also be used to block out some snoring...)
  7. Camera (If needed, bring extra film)
  8. Extra snacks and drinks
  9. Wallet
  10. Board or card games, for those out of service moments in the car
  11. Extras — depending on where you're going, ie beach: swimwear, flip-flops, and sunglasses

Unwritten Rules

There are some unwritten rules for a road trip, especially with your squad. If you're heading for a long hauled journey make sure you take frequent breaks, sometimes those breaks can lead to discovering entirely new places. Even if you have a designated driver, take turns if possible.

Driving for too long can not only stress the driver out but can be dangerous, so let them sit shotgun for a while. Split the costs, it’s the courteous thing to do if someone's paying a potentially high gas bill to cover the check for the next food stop. Don’t do anything that’ll put you and your friends in an uncomfortable and unsafe position.

If there's an activity someone's not comfortable participating in, don’t do it. Find places and activities that interest everybody! It’s not uncommon that you’ll be out of service but make sure you limit your cell phone usage, live in the present and enjoy the company.

It can dampen the moments you share if everyone is quietly scrolling through social media. This next one is especially important, in case of something not going quite to plan make sure you have a backup plan, the route you need to take is closed? Have a backup plan prepared. It’s also extremely vital that you remember to be considerate of your road trip buddies!

We arrived… now what?

The trip has only just begun! No matter where you're headed, let's hope you all have a plan of how you want to spend your time at your new destination. Spending the day soaking up the sun together, swimming, exploring busy shopping malls, or even taking a hike and enjoying your new surroundings with your besties.

Try an activity you might have never done before, experience it together, and as cheesy as it sounds, create memories you’ll never forget. Throw a girls night in, trial some new face masks and put on a movie. Startup a classic game of truth or dare or if there's something on your mind there's no better time and place to vent it out. Just remember... what happens on the road trip stays on the road trip.

Extra tips and tricks

  • Bring a Polaroid camera or disposable film, you’ll be able to capture indescribable moments that your phone never could.
  • Although it’s tempting to let out all the hot gossip on your way there, save some for those late-night chats when everyone has your full attention
  • Be considerate of your road trip buddies, don’t go out of your way to pester them in the car, people will get a little cranky after a few hours!
  • Make a playlist, let everybody add songs and let that play throughout your trip so that nobody fights over the music.
  • Avoid any drama, if there's a touchy subject… don’t bring it up. There's no need to create tension or stir anything up, you're there to have an enjoyable getaway.
  • Always bring more food, trust me you’ll go through those once full bags of candy and popcorn faster than you think.

There's nothing like spending quality time with your best friends, they make those last long and painful hours seem like minutes and can make you laugh as you’ve never laughed before. It’s important that everyone at least once in their life gets to experience traveling with their partners in crime because the moments you share with them and the memories you create will last you a lifetime. But bear in mind... you’ll need lots of coffee after those sleepless nights you’ll be forced to undergo.

Mia Bennett
100k+ pageviews

Writer since May, 2020 · 40 published articles

Mia Bennett is a writer based in Auckland, New Zealand. Striving to work as a Journalist in her life she is passionate about beauty, fashion, wellness and keeping up with the latest celebrity news.
