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Senior Year: 6 Practical Tips for Avoiding the Infamous Burnout

Student Life

November 26, 2023

"College deadlines aren't that far away." you'll hear your counselor say, “Get your work done more quickly. Exams are coming up!” you'll hear your teachers say, “You need to come up with a plan and get your life together.” you'll hear your parents say. It's these constant external factors that lead to us being stressed out.

Yes, you must listen to these experienced people; they are helping you in your future, but if you work for hours together without a sense of productivity, it could worsen your mental health. The constant cycle of not understanding when to take things slow leads to the infamous burnout we all fear.

This can be avoided in several ways, or recovering from it can be done easily. It isn't a complex task, but I must remind you of one important thing: you must have the will to move forward. Here are some ways to overcome this problem:

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Find Your Hobby

This doesn't have to necessarily be an activity you do just to put on your CV. It has to be something that you have a keen interest in. It has to be your go-to place when you want to get away from the horrors of reality.

Ensuring you have found some activity you are passionate about lets you gain a more optimistic outlook on the rest of your life. It helps develop an inner sense of motivation. Through this intrinsic motivation, you would have something to look forward to. Here is a list of activities that can help you get an idea:

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Image Credit: Michael Zittel

  1. SPORT- This includes anything from kicking a football to swimming in a pool that gives you a sense of relaxation while developing a new skill. You can consider boxing if you want to channel all your stress and anger into something more healthy or if you are more passive, something such as Yoga. Dancing to upbeat music can really lift your mood. This can make you travel into another dimension entirely.
  2. ART/ DESIGN- drawing, sketching, and painting are some of the most relaxing tasks. It can help you widen your creative horizons.
  3. MUSIC- This category is vast. It ranges from using vocals to Playing an instrument. It can even be something as simple as listening to music.
  4. SOCIALIZING- You might wonder if this differs from some conventionally considered hobbies. But trust me, with experience, I can say that this is one of the most eye-opening ones. My class has a tiny number of people, so we all are united and have some of the most opinionated discussions. I have learned a lot from my fellow peers. It helps develop your communication skills while also giving you the right to express yourself.

The hobbies mentioned here are just a small list of what exists out there. So go ahead, research, experience, and discover the endless possibilities that can help you take a step forward toward finding your passion. The boon of technology should be used rightly.

Have a Rest Day

Just as a gym works, where usually Sundays are the rest day or cheat day, your daily life must also have a day off every week where you can say, “I made the most out of my leisure time.” It's normal to take a few hours off your busy routine to socialize with your friends, spend time with family, and just be free. Do that girls night you have been waiting for, watch Netflix and listen to the most whack music. Go and explore new places that are happening in your city or town.

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Image Credit: Bayu Jefri

THIS STEP MIGHT BE SKIPPED BY MANY, BUT NO! Trust me, getting your mind off your busy lifestyle can help you understand that your world doesn't always have to be a simulation of a rat's race but something much bigger. The only thing that has to be ensured when you take this is that you don't lose focus on your essential tasks.

It should not wholly divert you and make you unhealthy. Instead, you must have a balance in life.


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Image Credit : Anastasia Shuraeva

Suppose you are allowed to travel. TAKE IT! It not only helps you have a vacation that will be memorable but also helps you broaden your understanding of various cultures and the world around you.

A person I know went on vacation after her exams, and she had one of the most blissful experiences. It helped her enjoy the rest of her school life. After that, she seemed more carefree and more optimistic about the future.

Allow Yourself to Get Bored

By doing this, you are giving yourself a chance to understand your creative outlets and thoughts about things that are unique, and you are giving yourself a chance to realize that there are many more things to life other than those few exams coming up soon or the fact that you have to complete your applications.

Eat Healthy Food

You might be thinking, “Okay, grandma, you are just sounding like an adult now." I get it completely. I am a coffee addict. But I am trying to control my intake of it.

Don't completely let go of your cravings in one step, obviously, but gradually try to obtain a healthier diet. Trust me, this will easily make you energized. Some healthy yet tasty foods include:

  1. Granola with yogurt
  2. Fruits and Berries
  3. Almonds and different dishes that might have them
  4. Cheese- In limited quantities
  5. Eggs and toast
  6. Avocado shake or toast
  7. Pumpkin Soup
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Image Credit: fauxels

Make A Realistic Timetable or To-Do List

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Image Credit: Julia M Cameron

Trust me, doing this comes in handy. I might be writing this article based on a deadline, but I ensured that I would get the task done within a particular time limit, and I am getting it done. Ensure to put your leisure activities and rewards on your timetable because looking at this would give you the intrinsic motivation to get through the day and complete the vital tasks. Don't put too much on your plate for a day, but split the task to help you give your brain some time off.

These aspects have helped me, and I am sure you all will have your own set of ways to figure out things when you might be feeling low or feel like things are going downhill.

Mahiya Reddy

Writer since Oct, 2023 · 1 published articles

Mahiya is a student of grade 12 A level. She plays football and also has a broad range of music taste. Netflix and chill/ reading in her balcony with a cup of cold coffee is her go to. She would love to improve upon her writing skills and get her thoughts, opinions and knowledge out in the world.
