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No-Gym-Needed Workouts for Teens: Staying Active Through Summer


July 15, 2024

Summer is the best time for teens as it gives them a chance to relax and take a break from the stress of school and other things. Even with the relaxing title summer has, it is important to remember to stay healthy. Whether it’s staying hydrated, training your brain mentally, or taking part in exercise, you are staying healthy!

A common misconception about exercise is that you must pay a membership and go to the gym, but that is completely false! Many students may not know it, but going to school itself is an exercise. Although with school ending, many have lost their primary source of it. No need to worry as I have some alternatives to going to the gym.

Image credit: Kampus Production from Pexels

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Importance of Stretching

Before exercising, I suggest that you start with some stretches even on the days you do not feel like exercising, it is still important. I believe that stretching in the morning is the most effective as it pulls you away from the drowsiness of sleep and prepares you for the day. Not only does it wake you up, but it is also important before exercising as it can prevent having tight muscles which can lead to cramps.

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1. Taking Walks Outside

Walking is a form of aerobic exercise as it includes rhythm and repetition. As mentioned before, going to school can be a form of exercise mainly due to the amount of walking. Taking long walks outside is not only a good form of exercise but a good mental break as well.

To get the most out of your walks and to benefit from them the most, I suggest taking daily walks as you will most likely see the most change from them. Another thing that I like to do personally is make a playlist because, and I am sure many can agree, listening to music motivates me to do my best. In this case, it motivates me to walk longer because I want to listen to music longer.

It is also best to plan what time to go out. Taking walks in the evening or early morning, especially in the summer, is the best because it is not too hot, and if you’re lucky you will get to see the sunrise or sunset.

In my opinion, taking walks outside is much better than walking on a treadmill because of the sights, the fresh air, and occasionally the nice weather. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen!

2. Swimming

Exercise doesn’t have to be strict and swimming proves that! Whether it’s swimming laps in the pool, playing Marco Polo, or mermaids, it is a great way to burn some calories. While swimming, your body uses almost all of your muscles, therefore making it a total body workout.

Along with burning calories, swimming also increases endurance because you must ensure and maintain your body's oxygen. As long as there is some form of movement in the water, you’re exercising.

Another reason swimming is an amazing form of exercise is because you can have a party while doing it! Pool parties in the summer are the best because it is so refreshing especially because of the heat. Just throw in some fruit plates and chips and you’re all set!

3. Dance

Just dance, literally! Dancing is a great way to burn calories and an entertaining form of exercise. What’s even better?

Dancing with friends! Even if you don’t think you are good at it, it doesn’t matter because it’s all about having fun and staying healthy.

A great way to dance by yourself or with friends is through Just Dance. This game can be bought and played on the Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation. In this game, players choose a song and follow dance steps the best they can. I agree that some Just Dance games may be a little pricey, but there are free versions of selected songs on YouTube for free!

My personal favorite is Timber by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha!

4. Biking

By far, biking is my absolute favorite on this list. Not only does biking get great pictures out of it, but it is also a great exercise. Biking challenges your hips, thighs, and glutes.

Similar to taking walks, I also recommend making a playlist, but just be cautious of pedestrians while you bike. Using a bike is another great way of getting to places such as the park, a friend's house, or the store as it doesn’t have any poisonous fumes to release, and you don’t have to ask your parents to drive you places!

5. Pilates

If you have been on the K-Pop side of TikTok for a while, you might be familiar with the term ‘Wonyoungism.’ This term refers to a wellness trend across social media and it is commonly associated with pink bows, clear skin, and the healthiest version of yourself. In these ‘Wonyoungism’ videos I see most creators including Pilates in their daily routine, and with these creators skin glowing and looking amazing, I had to try Pilates for myself. I have been doing it for around 2 months and found that it really does tone your stomach and thighs, it is also a great way to break a sweat.

In most Pilates videos, you might see people exercising with machines specialized for Pilates, but you can do it at home with just one item, a yoga mat! An easy way to get started is by watching a Pilates workout video and following the steps. For beginners, it might take a while to get used to this type of exercise, but the more you do it, the more you’ll get used to it!

Some videos that I recommend following along to are the 15 Minute Cardio and Pilates Workout by Shirlyn Kim and the 10 Minute at Home Pilates Workout by Lidia Mera.

Image credit: Miriam Alonso from Pexels

In the end, even though school has ended or you don’t have access to a gym, it is still essential to keep your health up through daily exercise!

Francheska Timbuleng

Writer since Jul, 2024 · 1 published articles

Francheska Timbuleng lives in California and is a junior in highschool as well as a tennis player. During her free time, she loves to go to the beach, work on book or subject reviews, and try new ice cream flavors!

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