Have you ever found yourself lying in bed and just dreaming about all the things you could be doing right now, or rather, all the things that you wished you had achieved by now? A time where nothing seems to align and you find it nearly impossible to wake up from your endless cycle of inertia? Well then, this article is just read for anyone who wants to achieve their dreams!
You may have seen the latest trends of manifestations, angel numbers and what not, on your Tik Tok page. But, this article is going to uncover the truth behind the trick of manifestation and how you can use it wisely to achieve anything you desire!
Image Credit: Clouds in hills by Mo Eid from Pexels
I have personally tried this and it has given effective results. For instance, I used to dream about the perfect morning routine, to wake up early, do yoga and meditate while managing productivity throughout the day. I can't say much about the productive part, of course, but I have undoubtedly been able to manifest a perfect morning routine for myself.
With a perfect balance between mind and body, I am now equipped to manage a higher performance in both my academic and professional life overall. If you want to be that person, continue reading to unlock your highest potential.
Let us slide into your dms 🥰
Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)Okay...But What Is Manifestation and Is It Real?
The answer is manifestation is how one chooses to perceive it. It can be a tricky concept to believe in for many. However, manifestation has been covered in many famous scriptures, such as The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, The Quran or even from the teachings of Buddha.
The world is as you perceive it, because your inner world will reflect your outer reality. Manifestation is not limited to making an idea into a reality, it is the constant efforts you make, to be grateful and trust in the Universe. The scriptures tell us to transform our inner minds in order to transform our reality, because even though everything might already be written in destiny, you are not 'stuck' in the life you live right now. According to scientific terms or in psychology, "the word 'manifestation' means to create something or turn something from an idea into a reality" (Davis,The Berkeley Well Being). The manifestation has proven to work, just a simple search in Google will provide you with sufficient proof! However, in order to make your dreams and desires come true, you must ensure that your mental, physical and spiritual actions are controlled and directed towards that particular thought of creating a certain dream into reality. To get a further understanding of the meaning of manifestation, refer to the video below!
The video below is not what manifestation is. Listening to certain energy sounds can help relax our mind to think clearly but they do not help manifest anything.
@1111_2222_3333_4444 #manifestation #ursign #august27 #1111 #2222 #thisisursign #528hz ♬ 528Hz - Chakra Ray & Flute Shakuhachi

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But I've Heard Otherwise...
The thing with manifestation is that you need to constantly feed a certain type of thoughts in order for them to become a reality. It is basically like the Law of Attraction; what you think and the way you act will be the result of what you attract towards yourself in the future! Some common misconceptions about manifestations include:
Manifestation only works for material possessions: This might be the falsest statement about manifestation. It's like saying that air is only available for humans, when we know that air is everywhere and does not have a limit. Manifestation is not limited to tangible possessions, it can be sought out for anything, including love, relationships and pretty much anything you want to see yourself achieve.
Manifestation is superstitious: It most definitely is not. We all want to achieve something in a certain time frame, although manifestation can take a while, it is a more logical approach than wearing superstitious rings for luck. Manifestation is a scientific tool that is based on the Law of Attraction and the physiological power that us, humans inherently possess. Manifestation simultaneously helps you spiritually and materialistically by bringing your energy levels back into harmony to guide you towards your inner light, your inner potential to make your own reality.
Image credit: A person walking into light by Mo Eid from Pexels
Manifestation does not work: As mentioned previously, manifestation is not an immediate magic thing, it takes consistency in purpose and efforts. It requires an unshakable fortitude and willpower to use our vision to motivate us through the rough and the Universe, too, will respond to your efforts by granting you your desire. It is a proven strategy that reinforces the importance of perseverance, patience and faith.
All of which are important experiences to have. In order to achieve almost anything in life, we must consistently work towards our goals to make them real!
Image Credit: A bed on a staircase in the clouds by Mo Eid from Pexels
Those were a few of the most popular myths that block the real meaning and purpose of manifestation. Beware that statements above are misleading and believing in these myths will result in a futile manifestation. If you believe any of these myths, do not continue reading as it will not be to your benefit. Only those who have strong faith in their dream and purpose can get something out of manifestation.
Shut up, I am manifesting!
To learn anything takes time and the process of manifestation is surely a tedious one. In order to get the maximum benefit from the strategy of manifesting, use the brief steps listed below as a mini-checklist to make sure you are on the right track!
First of all, you need to have clear-cut intentions and identify your needs. We most often confuse, achieving what we want with what we need. To achieve your dreams, manifest what you need.
This may be a mentor or any job opportunities to start small and grow big. Excessive obsession or greed over certain objects can lead to manifesting negativity instead of what you were looking to achieve. Fix your thoughts on what you need in order to achieve what you want and go from there.
Image Credit: A group of friends point at the sky by Anjana from Pexels
Have faith. In the myths section, we covered that without faith you cannot get the benefits manifestation can give you. You need to trust that whatever you have visualized for the future is already yours.
It's just like the quote, "fake it 'till you make it" but when manifesting, its just like "fake it 'till you become it". Journaling down your thoughts once in a while can help you practice being grateful for the little things that you have in life already. This is important as it will help you stay positive throughout your journey in manifesting, which is extremely crucial as it helps you strive faster towards your goals.
Image Credit: A person holding a red pen writing in a book by lilartsy from Unsplash
Having a vision. If you visualize exactly how you want things to end up in your life, it becomes a little easier to have your eye on the prize and strive steadfastly towards it. Imagine what it will feel like, how you will live that life once it becomes a reality, etc.
Act according to your pace in your journey. Don't just visualize what it is going to be like achieving your dreams, but you have to take action towards your goal. When manifesting, do not let other negative thoughts prevail your discrimination between what's right and wrong.
Continue on the path of right deeds and the karmic cycle will also tilt in your favour. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not become so fixated on your goal that you lose sense of who you are and ultimately end up in a state of inaction. Take action in a sense of freedom and express your most authentic self and do not let anyone else distract you from your goals.
In simple words, be detached from the fruit of action and focus on the action itself. As mentioned in the previous step, once you let go of the anxiety of consequences, your subconscious mind will automatically help you take more effective action. Usually, when we are too focused on the result of actions, we forget how to make the best decisions in the present day to benefit us later on.
The most difficult step in this process you will find is deciding where you want to go and how to stay on the path of progression. To help you, ask yourself a few questions.
Is this what I really need to be happy and fulfilled? How, exactly, will this improve my life? When I think about this, does it feel right for me? Will this do any harm to myself or others?
Be Patient, Be Fearless, Be Authentic!
No one can define your worth or limitations. Don't let anyone else's opinion of what you are capable of doing get to you. Remember, that 1000 shots at the moon are better than none.
Trust in the process of manifesting and thinking positively. This doesn't mean you won’t have the ups and downs of your journey, of course you will, but it is in the type of mindset you choose to bring to the table. Being positive never means being happy, it means to have a growing mindset and to let yourself heal through failures. Failures are an inevitable part of manifesting as they help you grow as a person and you never know if you end up getting more than you were initially hoping for. Manifesting works and I have personally tried it enough times that I can guarantee you, you will achieve your goals, whether it be in a few weeks, months, or years. Until then, stay safe and start manifesting a bright future where your most impossible dreams are made possible!
Image Credit: Scrambled words Tarazevich from Pexels