How Freeform's 'The Bold Type' Ending Season Answers All Your Questions

Pop Culture

July 06, 2021

If you are a huge fan of The Bold Type, just as I am, you probably have been waiting a long time for season 5 because of the pandemic cutting production short. What's even more heartbreaking and heartfelt is that season 5 brings an end to the story we all have been following for the past 4 years.

I know exactly how you are feeling right now, but through sadness comes joy, because, with these last few episodes, we have all the answers we need about our favorite girls in Scarlet Magazine. Jane, Kat, and Sutton will live forever in our hearts.

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As much as it felt sad that I would not be spending another night preparing a nice meal and sitting down to watch The Bold Type, it also felt like a new breath of air and the right time for the show to come to its conclusion. I really couldn't have imagined it another way for our favorite trio. We can always reminisce on the fashion icons every character in the show played, and let me tell you season 5 had some amazing outfit choices.

What you are most dying to know though is what journey each character ends up venturing on. Here is everything you need to know about Jane, Kat, and Sutton in the final season of The Bold Type.

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Jane Sloane

Our dear Tiny Jane (Katie Stevens) is on her way to being the next Jacqueline Carlyle and I could not be even prouder. While Jane has always had her hiccups and sometimes allowed her emotions to get in the way of things, she has stepped up to be a mentor, a boss, and a woman that can lead with character. Jane first faces backlash due to incorrectly reporting a story that another person told from the point of view of her co-worker.

While technically this was a lie, the scandal was still true. Although this could have ruined her career and image for Scarlet, she didn't allow herself to be intimidated by a story or the media but rather took responsibility for not triple-checking her sources. Addison points this out earlier on in the episode, which makes her feel like Jane is not being a good mentor to her and giving Scott a lot of her time and wisdom.

After reevaluating herself, Jane's candor and work ethic led her to put herself first, unfortunately ending her relationship with Scotty too Hotty. In being there for Addison as a mentor and leader and running her own vertical, The Failing Feminist, Jane becomes Editor-in-Chief of Scarlet Magazine.

BUT, Jane, in the final episode, decides that her true passion is writing, and declines the offer to be Editor-in-Chief, and also decides to find adventure through traveling and leaving Scarlet. While it isn't her end, it's just her beginning, and who knows, maybe she will return to Scarlet in the future.

Kat Edison

The leading activist, Kat Edison (Aisha Dee), is turning heads this season while working at The Belle. She continues to fight for amazing causes, as always, such as LGBTQ+ rights and employment for ex-incarcerated people.

Kat has always been one to avoid labels, but throughout the show, we have seen her grow into figuring out her queer space and also while helping many brilliant women. This season, Adena (Nikohl Boosheri) returns, working alongside Kat to find ways to use social media and photography to raise awareness about incarceration rates, the lack of resources, and the lack of employment opportunities.

Through this, Kat decides to quit her job at the upscale private social women's club, The Belle, and start her own venture with her social media presence and the #Dontturnaway, with Adena working by her side. In trying to find funding, Jacqueline hears Kat's pitch and takes her on so that Kat becomes a writer/social media head for her own vertical of #Dontturnaway.

After Jane declines the position of Editor-in-Chief, Jane and Jacquelyn look to Kat to take on the position and head Scarlet. Kat accepts the position and launches her new vertical, leading Scarlet into a new, better future for generations to come.

Sutton Brady-Hunter

A true fashion icon, Sutton (Meghann Fahy), has come a long way from being a small-town girl and chasing her dreams. She has truly conquered a lot, but season 4 left Sutton's marriage questionable. This affected her work-life and personal life, and Sutton began drinking more. Her friends around her encouraged and supported her to find therapy.

While she had some low moments, like being blackout drunk at the work retreat and drinking while at work, she also conquered more styling credits and styled Jacquelyn for her retirement announcement. Sutton's happy ending comes full circle as she continues to work hard at her job while managing a divorce, or maybe not a divorce?

The Romance This Season

The all-wise and influential Jacquelyn decides that it's time to put her marriage first in season 4 and continues to trust in love in season 5 working with Ian to save her marriage. In the end, Jacquelyn decides it's time to step back from Scarlet and start a new chapter with Ian by traveling to other countries and working together in the future.

Miss Janey, for half of the season, spent her time romancing with Scotty too Hotty while chasing a story that ultimately led her to juggle the balance of an office relationship, which ended in Scotty leaving Scarlet. At the end of the season, Jane meets a young man who is a bodyguard for one of her favorite singers and they end up going on a date as she opens up to dating. Pinstripe does make an appearance for a minute, by the way, but not enough to make Jane come back to him.

Kat finds herself working with Adena again, and all of those past feelings resurface. Kat and Adena start the vertical and spend a magical night together, leaving things unclear about their relationship. Adena mentions to Kat that she is not a person who wants to commit to a relationship and Jane and Sutton mention that Kat doesn't see a future for them.

After Kat is made Editor-in-Chief, she realizes that she has always been afraid of the future, and she isn't anymore. Adena and Kat start a new fresh relationship where they can make it their own.

Sutton finds herself facing divorce with Richard, who won't come down to see her in New York. Eventually, Richard meets with Sutton to give her the divorce papers and they spend a couple of days in a dream, wrapped up in each other's arms, avoiding the inevitable. Or so we thought.

Richard mentions that he is so happy, not because he is without Sutton, but because he is starting the process of adopting a baby. Sutton realizes she cannot keep Richard away from being a father. Richard realizes that he loves Sutton way more and can't see a life without her, even if he were to have a baby. They reconcile and there is a large amount of trust and Richard asks Sutton not to divorce him.

These best friends have been by my side as I went through college, writing, and finding my passions. They taught me what it is to be bold and brave. Each one of these characters has taught us what it is to stand up for what you believe in, and that it's okay to make mistakes. Their stories and their time at Scarlet can have an impact on audiences to come.

Stream The Bold Type today on Hulu!

Want to read more about The Bold Type? Check out my article on How To Be Just As Bold as The Women From 'The Bold Type'

Marcela Strane
100k+ pageviews

Writer since Feb, 2017 · 29 published articles

Marcela is currently a college student studying Environmental Engineering as she has a passion for seeing the world around her thrive. She loves books, animals, oceans, and helping others.

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