#93 TRENDING IN Beauty & Style 🔥

End Your Shopping Addiction- an Easy Guide to Be a Conscious Consumer

Beauty & Style

August 02, 2023

Do you feel like you have nothing to wear despite having a closet full of clothes? Or maybe you like to buy new trendy pieces even though they're not your style or don't suit your silhouette? I mean this 2023 euro summer core lace top is so cute, right?

Do you have a problem with getting rid of your old stuff? Like, sure, you’re definitely going to wear those cow print pants one day. Maybe you go to the mall just to make yourself feel better after a breakup or stressful day? You are not the only one. More than 75% of women buy new clothes to cheer themselves up, according to a survey recently conducted by ING Direct and Capital One banks.

Our generation has a problem with overconsumption, fast fashion, and compulsive shopping. Most of us have easy access to the internet and social media platforms that allow us to follow trends and buy new clothes without leaving the house. The average woman, who is under 25 years old, will spend $200,000 on clothes, shoes, and accessories.

That's a lot, right? But the number is even more alarming if we compare it to the shopping habits of an over 55-year-old woman, who during her life spends under $100,000 on clothing items. What can you do to become a more conscious buyer and declutter your closet? Try following these simple rules:

1. Buy things that fit you.

Clothes should suit and complement your body and not the other way around. Not only does it look better on you, but it also makes you more confident and attractive. There are tons of guides available on TikTok and other social media platforms, showing you how to figure out your body shape and what clothes will enhance the best parts of your silhouette.

2. Clean up your closet regularly.

Every three months, or before the new season of the year, you should do a deep cleanup of your closet. My favorite method is just to take out everything from it and then put the clothes back. But of course, not every piece, only the ones you're completely sure of wearing. What to do with the rest of them? Divide them into free groups:

  • Clothes to get rid of immediately, meaning pieces that are broken, permanently stained, or with other defects. Surprisingly, throwing them into the trash can isn't the only option! Some clothing stores, like H&M, collect fabrics, no matter their physical state. They can be turned into new recycled textiles and even eco-fuels. In exchange for the old clothes, stores can give you coupons or discounts for your next purchases.

  • Clothes that you can sell or give out because you don't like them anymore but are still good to wear. Platforms like Depop or Vinted allow you to get rid of your clothes and make money from them. You can also try Facebook Marketplace, or become part of a garage sale in your neighborhood. If you don’t have time for selling or shipping clothes, you can just give them out to your family, friends, or local charity shop.

  • Clothes that deserve a second chance- things that you like but don’t know how to wear. If you have trouble styling those pieces, you can find inspiration on Pinterest. In my opinion, it is the best platform when it comes to finding your style and aesthetic.

3. Is it versatile?

Before buying a blouse or pair of new jeans, ask yourself if you can wear this piece of clothing with three different outfits. Building a capsule wardrobe is a good solution for those who might have trouble choosing new sets or matching pieces. Remember, capsule fashion doesn’t have to be boring! It is all about finding the balance between basic fashion staples that go with everything and unique pieces that elevate your character.

4. The quality.

Nowadays, most fashion brands sell clothes made of poor quality. Not only do they break or rip very easily, but are also harmful to the environment. While shopping, you should pay attention to the materials.

The best ones are the natural ones, such as cotton, wool, silk, linen, and cashmere. Avoid synthetic materials. They might be cheaper, but can also be harmful to your skin.

5. Do you even want it?

With the development of social media platforms, the trends are spreading so much faster than they used to. Every day, new fashion content is posted. Many people tend to buy popular stuff just because it is fashionable.

Before making a compulsive purchase, rethink why you are buying it. Is it your own choice and the clothes fit your personal style or are you just influenced by others?

I hope this short guide will help you to become a more conscious consumer, who cares about the environmental impact of fashion. Also, these simple hacks allow you to save some money and develop your own sense of style. Do you know other tips on how to shop responsibly? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Nessy Kochańczyk
10k+ pageviews

Writer since Sep, 2022 · 9 published articles

My name is Agnieszka (Nessy) and I'm a high school student in Poland. I love all kinds of art especially music and fashion. I like writing because it is a great way to share my thoughts and insights
