There are so many ways you can make your own face masks at home to reduce redness, zap pesky blemishes, and get rid of dry patches for good. By making your own mask at home, you control exactly what's going into it, so you know it's free of harsh chemicals and toxins that can actually be more harmful than helpful for your skin. Here are a few super inexpensive “Do It Yourself” face masks with readily available ingredients.
Note: Make sure to test out the facemask by applying a patch onto your hand first to check if any allergic reaction occurs.
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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)1. Turmeric- Honey- Yogurt Mask
Turmeric is an ingredient that has been raved about for centuries, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, and anti-oxidant properties; turmeric has been a go-to ingredient for skin care in many Indian households. These properties help heal wounds and scarring, brighten your dark circles and your overall facial glow, prevent breakouts. Personally, I would recommend this face mask over and over again, it has worked amazing on my skin and I could not stress this enough.
This mask is wonderful for acne-prone skin as the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric combined with the lactic acid found in yogurt which dissolves dead skin cells and the antibacterial properties of honey work well together to prevent acne as well as diminish your acne scars. Additionally, it also evens out your skin tone, reduces dark circles, and slows down your cell damage.
Directions: To prepare this face mask simply add one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of yogurt (set yogurt works best), and half a teaspoon of turmeric into a bowl and mix well. Apply this to your face and gently massage in a circular motion. Make sure to wash it off in 15 minutes as anytime longer than that can result in a slightly yellow tinge on your face.

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2. Coffee- Honey Mask
Coffee is usually found in every household. Sipping a cup of coffee is a daily routine for most people but did you know that coffee is extremely beneficial for your skin? It contains many anti-oxidants which function against skin damage while also improving your blood circulation, it's a great exfoliator with the ability to penetrate deep within your skin to remove impurities which other common exfoliates are unable to do, it can also remove a nasty tan.
Directions: So for this mask stir together 1 tablespoon of coffee powder and 1 tablespoon of the honey well in a bowl until a fine paste is formed. Massage this mask onto your skin in circular motions and let it remain on your skin for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off and enjoy your newly moisturized and glowing face.
3. Avocado- Oatmeal Mask
Avocado is probably one of the trendiest fruits in the past few years and rightly so because it has so many benefits for you. The fruit contains so many essential minerals and vitamins such as iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C & B, and of course the good fats. It has a range of benefits to your skin as well.
From healing dry, damaged, and sensitive skin to enhancing the elasticity of your skin, avocado is surely an excellent ingredient for skincare. While, oatmeal is another beneficial ingredient as it can soak up excess oil, prevent acne, and remove dirt from your pores proving to be an exceptional exfoliator. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can also help treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells.
Directions: Cook 1/2 a cup of oatmeal as per the instructions. Mash 1/2 a ripe avocado with its skin and seed removed and combine with the cooked oatmeal. Mix well until the pulp is completely dissolved. Then, apply to the skin and rinse it off after 10-15 minutes.
4. Chocolate- Cinnamon- Honey mask
Who doesn't love chocolate, right? What if we told you that chocolate could be used to help treat your acne? Yes, you read that right, your skin loves chocolate just as much as your palate does.
Chocolate is packed with organic compounds which make it a strong antioxidant while also protecting you from harsh sun damage. It also removes dead skin cells and moisturizes your skin to make it soft and supple. Chocolate and Cinnamon is a combination we often see in desserts but it works so well for your skin too. Cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a great fighter for those pesky zits.
Directions: Mix together one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of honey, and a pinch of cinnamon together in a bowl to make it a paste. Add more honey if the paste is too thick. Apply it to your face and rinse it off after 20 minutes.
5. Banana- Baking Soda- Lemon Mask
When you read those three ingredients together, you'd probably think of the ever so delicious banana bread but no, the three ingredients work perfectly together to give you an excellent face mask. Banana, known for being a magnesium and potassium booster also works incredible on your skin. It acts as a fabulous exfoliator removing all the excess oil and dirt clogged in your pores.
Banana also acts as “natural Botox” since it contains silica which reduces your wrinkles and sagging skin. The fruit is also known for sun protection, reducing hyper pigmentation, and aiding dry skin. Along with banana, Baking soda's mild exfoliating ability helps dry out pimples and its anti-bacterial properties prevent further breakouts from occurring. Lemon also works like a lock and key with baking soda as it reduces wrinkles, fades scars, and brightens your skin giving you a beautiful glow.
Directions: Combine two tablespoons of mashed bananas with one tablespoon of baking soda and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir well and apply it to your face. Rinse it off after 10 minutes.
Do it yourself face masks are perfect whether you're searching for a chemical-free alternative, you're having a self-care day or you just want to have a girls night in with all your best friends. What's better than relaxing with a healthy face mask on which will surely aid your skin in the long run.