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8 Life-Changing Books All Teens Need to Try Reading in the New Year

Art & Literature

December 18, 2024

As 2024 gradually comes to an end, you might be wired after the hard work you did throughout the year: exam preparations, extracurricular activities, and more. If so, I suggest you take a deep breath, think about what was already accomplished and what is not, and finally plan your next couple of weeks to spend meaningfully. At the end of the day, non-academic life is an indispensable part of the overall fulfillment.

Irrespective of your background interests - STEM, Humanities, Business, or Art - the books that I am going to suggest you for reading will have a profound effect on you. I have read all the books that you see in this list and they are considered as one of the best pieces of art of all time. Now, come closer to the screen, because you can’t miss what’s coming. Let’s jump in!

An American Tragedy

Novel by Theodore Dreiser

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Even though the novel “An American Tragedy” by T. Dreiser is not popular, it has a very deep takeaway for a reader. In the book, you can see how a random guy named Clyde from Kansas City, USA, at the beginning of the 20th century rose from bare poverty to a wealthy standard of living.

And, how he falls in love with a young and beautiful girl from a rich family while having been dating another poor lady. It is extremely tempting to experience life from the perspective of an ordinary clerk among the elite class people. By reading this masterpiece, you undergo all the complexities of life along with the protagonist.

Anna Karenina

Novel by Leo Tolstoy

First published in 1878, the novel “Anna Karenina” by L. Tolstoy depicts a man’s search for truth, social norms, and love. Why I’m calling it like that, you will find out once you read the first quarter of the novel right away.

What’s more, this romance has always got something for any kind of reader, and most importantly, it keeps the reader questioned: in fact, you will get absorbed page by page. So, it is your turn to get a thrill out of this book.


Novel by Paulo Coelho

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Alchemist by P. Coelho unravels the main mystery of being existent: the purpose of life. It is incredibly simple, and concise, but at the same time, is truly inspiring, fundamental, and valuable carrying deep meaning behind it. The book can be understood from the first run, however, I recommend you to retrospect the past as you go through the lines. Just for context, I want to bring one excerpt from the novel: “When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.”

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Biographies of Three Innovators

Novels written by Walter Isaacson

Source: Wikimedia Commons

By three Innovators, I’m referring to Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk. You probably heard these names many times, but why don’t you indulge in their personalities deeply? By style, these are the three autobiographies by W.

Isaacson explores the personal and, mainly, professional backgrounds of three characters. They lived and transformed, or perhaps one (Elon) is doing novelties today yet, in different times, industries, and circumstances. By grasping these books, you will gain an incredibly huge amount of knowledge into how innovators are formed and developed, their lives out of camera spotlights, their childhood, their exclusive habits, and more. To that end, if you aspire to know more about these pioneers, it is a second-to-none opportunity to start your journey from these books.

Bygone Days

Novel by Abdulla Qodiriy

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Through the “Bygone Days” by A. Qodiriy, you can immerse yourself in the 19th-century social, economic, and political state of the Central Asian countries' society back then. The author aimed to enclose the layering of the population at the time through the love attributes between Otabek and Kumush. If you haven’t tested books from CA novelists, then this one is the perfect fit for you.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Book by Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie's - 20th-century outstanding writer, public speaker, and lecturer of interpersonal communication - best-known book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” brings ideal techniques for how to become a successful influencer and maintain wider social bonds with others. Another amazing aspect of the book that I personally appreciate is that the writer exemplifies the real-world applications of the principles that he believes are powerful.

There are multiple cases from all walks of life: of senators, presidents, businessmen, and the rest of the distinguished individuals in the US; that Mr Carngie has personally met and adopted their special features. In short, it is a practical, useful, and almost unique guide to boost your social literacy in career and personal relationships.

Atomic Habits

Book by James Clear

The bestseller “Atomic Habits” by J.Clear is an excellent guide about how to improve your quality of life by changing tiny details the way you live. It is about adopting good habits and getting rid of bad ones. The author puts extra importance to the long-term effects of altering bad habits and teaches how to eliminate addictive and destructive practices.

What’s more, another impressive fact about the book is that it was published in 2018 and everything that is underlined in it is actually hands-on traits, especially for the modern 21st-century lifestyle. Thus, it is the exact choice for learning to line with the best version of yourself.

Crime and Punishment

Novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The well-known novel “Crime and Punishment” by F. Dostoevsky shows the terrific life of a young man living in Saint Petersburg nearing the end of the 19th century in Soviet Russia. Surrounded by extreme poverty, and a desperate, and dissatisfied population, the protagonist falls into a trap of his greed to get rich easily, then faces the consequences of his committed crime in temptation.

In the novel, you can study closely the internal feelings of a person who strongly feels guilty of a crime act. The narrative deepens into a man’s moral boundaries, leading the reader to a psychological analysis of the protagonist who is in horror of getting caught after the murder scene. Crime and Punishment is a powerful novel, scrutinizes psychological and philosophical sensations of an alienated person.

Books mentioned:

  1. An American Tragedy
  2. Anna Karenina
  3. Alchemist
  4. Biographies of Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk by W. Isaacson
  5. Bygone Days
  6. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  7. Atomic Habits
  8. Crime and Punishment

You can find all of the books above mentioned using the following websites:

  1. Internet Archive
  2. Open Library
  3. Project Gutenberg
  4. Goodreads
  5. Amazon

To sum up, I have enlisted some of the best books that I know and am convinced could be a great addition during your New Year holidays. Hope you found them beneficial, thank you for reading, and wish you quality time reading. All the best!

Orifjon Ahmedjonov
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Writer since Aug, 2024 · 3 published articles

Orifjon is a rising senior h/s student writer from Tashkent, focusing on economics, business and mathematics.

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