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6 Practical Skills Every Single Teenager Should Learn


December 09, 2024

The teenage years are the perfect time to explore new activities and develop new skills. With the widespread use of the internet and social media, learning something new has never been easier. Countless resources are available for teens to explore new skills at their own pace. Here is a list of skills that any teen can pick up, and best of all, can be mastered without a huge time commitment!

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Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels

Although you don't have to be able to make restaurant quality food, learning basic recipes and meals can be a lifesaver and will help you for the rest of your life.

Where to learn: Youtube Videos, cookbooks, online recipes

Here are some basic foods you can learn how to make:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pasta
  • Pancakes
  • Sandwiches

There are many benefits to knowing how to cook. First, cooking will allow you to eat healthier. You can control what ingredients go in your meal as well as where you get them from.

Cooking also improves your creativity when you try out new methods and ingredients. Cooking your own meals also saves money as it is significantly cheaper than dining out or buying premade meals.

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Free A close-up shot of a person coding on a laptop, focusing on the hands and screen. Stock Photo

Lukas from Pexels

Coding allows for creation of websites and applications, and in today's digital world, it is an important skill valued highly by many companies and businesses. Even if you don't plan to do code in your future, knowing how to code can improve your problem solving and critical thinking skills, as well as improving your perseverance and creativity.

Where to learn: Codecademy, Code.org, W3Schools.


Free A woman writes in a notebook at a café table with a coffee and smartphone nearby. Stock Photo

Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

Writing is so common in every day life. It's in books, articles, emails, reports, letters, newspapers, and so much more. No matter what class or activity you're in, writing is an essential asset you should have.

How to improve: Read more books, learn grammar and spelling, proofread, practice writing

Foreign Language

Free A collection of Arabic newspapers spread across a surface, showcasing diverse headlines and articles. Stock Photo

Moussa Idrissi from Pexels

With online programs such as Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone, learning a new language is more accessible, and the interactive activities make it fun. The biggest benefit of learning a language is traveling to different places and communicating with different people. You also get to challenge yourself while improving your memory and multitasking ability.

Basic Repairs

Free A pair of crossed metal wrenches on a clean white surface. Stock Photo

Pixabay from Pexels

The biggest reason you should learn some repairs is because having someone come to fix it for you is time consuming, but also incredibly expensive for something that shouldn't take that long to repair. There are several online resources such as YouTube that will give you a step by step guide on how to fix your broken item.

Some basic things you can learn to fix/repair:

  • A flat tire
  • Car oil
  • Drippy faucet
  • Running toilet

Knowing how to take apart a device is also very beneficial. Simple fixes such as getting rid of dust that clogs your cooling or adding a thermal pad to cool your processors shouldn't cost you 100 dollars to fix.


Free Close-up of a gardening shovel with soil, surrounded by vibrant blooms in an outdoor garden setting. Stock Photo

Lisa Fotios from Pexels

If you have a garden, or have a lot of space in your backyard, you should learn gardening skills. Having the ability to grow your own herbs, vegetables and fruits can save you a lot of money compared to buying it off the farmers market. Also, eating the food you grow is the healthiest way to get your nutrients.

Where to learn: Guides, Handbooks, Tutorials


Exploring new activities as a teenager can be both fun and rewarding. These 6 skills aren't just useful in today's world, but also promote creativity, independence, and problem-solving. With the amount of resources online, now is the perfect time to start a new activity and learn new skills.

Ryan Guo

Writer since Oct, 2024 · 1 published articles

Ryan is a high schooler from Virginia. He enjoys writing, math, and coding. In his free time, you can find him reading, playing basketball, or watching NBA.

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