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The Ultimate Guide on Embracing TikTok's Lucky Girl Syndrome

Social Media

June 14, 2023

Let's be real: there's no magic involved in the process of manifestation. But, just like magic, you can manifest the life that you desire. As long as you've got the right tricks under your sleeve.

The "Lucky Girl Syndrome" is a TikTok trend that is widely celebrated for having made manifestation more popular and accessible. But it is also widely criticized for spreading misleading expectations. In this article, I will discuss how anyone could embrace Lucky Girl Syndrome and reap its benefits.

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

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The Assumption of Luck

Luck is generally perceived when a successful outcome is thought to be brought about by chance, not effort. Sometimes, luck can be regarded as an inherent individual trait, which suggests that people can be categorized as "lucky" or "unlucky". However, this belief traps people under an illusion of control.

When someone assumes they are inherently unlucky, they are prone to continuously search for evidence that confirms this hypothesis. This creates a habit of self-victimization, which results in poor mental health.

The experiences that everyone goes through always involve some extent of luck. There are some things you can't control, some things that happen without your knowledge behind the scenes. But luck doesn't have a conscience – you do. In other words, luck does not choose people, but it has and always will be your responsibility to control your perception of luck.

Image by Riho Kroll from Unsplash

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The Trend

The "Lucky Girl Syndrome" is an interpretation of the law of assumption, which states that if you believe that you already have something, you will have it. Essentially, the trend promotes positive thinking by claiming that when you believe that you are lucky, you will be lucky. But the problem is: most of the people who support the trend are usually already privileged in some way. This could create unrealistic expectations among those who aren't as privileged, which can result in disappointment and cynicism.

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How to make it foolproof

I'm not going to sugarcoat this: not everyone can gain the same results. It would be a kind of logical fallacy to believe that everyone can be "lucky" by the same standards in every situation; it would even go against the meaning of luck. Everyone has different circumstances, different abilities, different things that we can and cannot control.

But if we start looking at luck as a supplement to our mindset – and not as instant magic – we can start building the life we desire. Below are two practical steps to doing that:

1. Practice Gratitude

I see you rolling your eyes at me. But hear me out! As someone who has struggled with a lot of negative thinking, maintaining gratitude is no easy task – but it's so worth it.

Gratitude is a skill that requires practice. And the more you practice it, the more your identity will revolve around positive energy. By doing this, you are making yourself worthy of the life you desire. This helps you attract new opportunities.

Remember the law of attraction: positivity attracts positivity. Negativity attracts negativity.

There are always different ways of looking at a situation. Choosing the positive one shouldn't be seen as naive or ignorant. In fact, it requires a lot of wisdom to appreciate any experience – good or bad, and to be able to work with it to become stronger.

You'd have to objectively balance the pros and cons to see that you are lucky. You are lucky to be here with what you have. You are blessed with the opportunity to learn from whatever that happens to you. By continuously adapting to your current life, you are continuously selecting your highest self for evolution.

Image by Susan Weber from Unsplash

2. Don't Forget to Chase

If you don't start the chase, you won't see the change.

Luck will only bring you half the way there. You need to put in the effort to create achievements out of opportunities, and you need resilience to maintain that momentum. The chase exposes you to new experiences, which expand your horizons. After all, life is about trying and failing, finding out what works and what doesn't, and daring yourself to dream.

Set your goal by visualizing the person you want to be. Think of their routines, their hobbies, their habits and their manners – and start showing up as that person. You won't become them by magic, but you build them step by step. And eventually, your life will grow into the one you desire.

Finally, recognize that progress isn't linear. Always try to see that when one door closes, another one opens. Changing your mindset won't directly change what happens to you, but it affects how you cope. And ultimately, how you respond to situations will influence how the universe will respond to you.

Image by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels


The "Lucky Girl Syndrome" promotes manifestation techniques based on luck, but it's not as easy as it looks. To really embrace this trend, you need to re-define your perception of luck and recognize that you are in charge of getting what you want. The trick is to stay focused and productive toward becoming your highest self, and everything else will follow. Good luck!

Image by Balaji Srinivasan from Pexels

Alyssia Wihardja

Writer since May, 2023 Β· 2 published articles

Alyssia Wihardja is a dreamer from Jakarta, with a heart that belongs to the arts. She aspires to be a writer that inspires people to open their minds. When she's not reading or writing, you can find her staying up to create a concerning amount of Spotify playlists and people watching in a cafe.

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