Jamie Park

Writer since Dec, 2024 · 1 published articles

Jamie Park is a high school junior from Georgia, USA, with a passion for sociology, politics, and exploring new ideas. In her free time, she enjoys reading and immersing herself in pop and indie music. She dreams of pursuing a future career in journalism or law.

Janae Joseph
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Apr, 2021 · 1 published articles

Janae Joseph is a student currently pursuing Communication Studies. A California native, she enjoys listening to podcasts, watching travel vlogs, and learning languages for fun. She aspires to work professionally in marketing or public relations.

Jana Kumar

Writer since Apr, 2024 · 3 published articles

Jana Kumar is a student at University High School in San Francisco. Jana is the editor of the Op-ed section for her school newspaper. She enjoys spending her time playing chess, reading, practicing piano, and engaging in the New York Times Connections and Wordle.

Janelly Cabalceta
20k+ pageviews

Writer since Jun, 2019 · 9 published articles

Janelly is currently an 18 year old college freshman. She is working on acquiring her Associates of Science before transferring to a university where she plans to study computer science. Janelly enjoys writing and reading as well as learning new things. Feel free to check out her social media below.

Jane Park
20k+ pageviews

Writer since May, 2020 · 11 published articles

Jane is an incoming freshman at Penn State. In her free time, she paints, produces music and skateboards.

Jasmine Kwok
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Sep, 2020 · 1 published articles

Jasmine is a writer for The Teen Magazine, and has loved writing ever since she was a small child! Her future dream is to become a journalist and use her passion to create positive change in the world. In her free time, she loves journaling, coloring, hanging out with friends and family, and just about anything else that has to do with creativity and vibrant colors!

Jasmin Huband
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Aug, 2023 · 5 published articles

Jasmin Huband is a college student studying English Literature, Sociology, and History A Levels. She is an aspiring CEO and in the future hopes to act as a voice for those who cannot use their own, shining light on the issues of the world and how we can solve them. In her spare time, Jasmin enjoys reading, experimenting with fashion, and swimming.

Jason Hao

Writer since Apr, 2024 · 4 published articles

Jason is an 11th grader from northern Virginia. He loves creative writing, math, and biology. In his free time, he enjoys playing badminton with his friends or watching a Netflix show.

Jassimmrat Kaur Bhatia
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Apr, 2023 · 4 published articles

Jassimmrat is an aspiring literature and history major, currently 16 and finishing her sophomore year at high school. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing, along with a keen interest in theatre and dance. She is an outspoken feminist, working towards creating a world without discrimination.

Javeria Qanita
5,000+ pageviews

Writer since Aug, 2020 · 3 published articles

Javeria is an excessively confused A Levels students trying to choose between her love for journalism, and writing in general, and fields that might get her an 'actual' job (her family's words, not hers). She started writing for The Teen Magazine when she was 14 and now has to live with the embarrassing writing style of her initial articles, but hopes to develop her current writing skills enough to keep her future self from cringing as hard as she is currently. Born in a country like Pakistan, Javeria also hopes to find the courage to dive deep into political and investigative journalism. She might give it a shot, not today, maybe tomorrow, or the day after, just not today.

Jayda-Jules Warner
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Feb, 2024 · 6 published articles

Jayda-Jules Warner, aka JJ, writes until she falls asleep at her keyboard. Writing stories, articles, and poetry are her passion. Not only are words her comfort; but she also loves video games and music!

Jefferson Le
1,000+ pageviews

Writer since Dec, 2019 · 2 published articles

Jefferson Le is currently a high school junior in the Bay Area, and a News Editor for El Estoque.

Jehan Kamal

Writer since Jul, 2024 · 1 published articles

Jehan Kamal is a 9th grader living in South Tangerang, Indonesia. He has been blogging since he was eight years old and have written an entry for a published anthology. Jehan enjoys sociology and politics, as well as psychology and other sciences.

Je'Kayla Crawford
50k+ pageviews

Writer since Jun, 2019 · 17 published articles

Je'Kayla Crawford is a talented journalist born and raised in the US. She enjoys reading, traveling, cooking, and baking. You can find her reading a Y/A novel at the library, baking a 3-layer cake, or reading the Harry Potter series for the third time. Enjoy my writing, and thank you!

Jemille Duncan
10k+ pageviews

Writer since Oct, 2020 · 4 published articles

Jemille Q. Duncan was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has worked in several legislative offices, campaigns, and nonprofits. Jemille has also been published in a variety of locally and internationally read newspapers. He received national acclaim from the Solutions Journalism Network, making him one of the youngest ever recognized by the organization.
