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"No Influencer Should Be Put on a Pedestal"- Lexi Mars on Fashion, Lifestyle, and Dreams

Social Media

February 21, 2022

Lexi Mars is a rising influencer who gives the best tips on TikTok on how to have the perfect photoshoot. With a following on Instagram of 170K, Lexi's feed is the perfect Pinterest board for fashion inspirations. Her creative twists on her clothing and color matching stands out from the crowd.

The Teen Magazine recently got the exclusive opportunity to speak with her where we asked a myriad of questions from how she handles her fame to what drink suits her personality the best.

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Getting Started

Lexi grew up in the suburbs of Illinois, where she spent most of her childhood dancing. The dedication and time she put into dancing since the age of 9 have taught her work ethic, perseverance, and creative expression. She recalls, "If I wasn’t in school, I was in the dance studio."

After she became an adult, dancing slowly faded from her life but its impact stayed. Lexi says, "I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. All I knew was that I wanted a creative outlet and I could never imagine going into an office."

To explore her creativity, Lexi moved to LA and gave her all to build something for herself. She wasn't sure what exactly she wanted, but she knew creativity and spreading inspirations are her main goals.

"Everything was so new and exciting, the people I got to know and work with, the incredible travel experiences, the new friends I made all around the world and my first experiences working with my dream brands." The first two years at LA are Lexi's favorite time to look back on. "The whole thing will forever feel like a dream to me."

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The Turning Point

"When I got my first brand deal, I called my boss and quit my job," Lexi says. Her first partnership was with Hinge, and it opened the doors for her, who at the time did not know one could have a career as an influencer. The upgrade was much better than the random jobs she has had in LA, one of them being a hostess at a Mexican restaurant.

Brand deals do not always go the way Lexi wants. Instead of giving in, she knew how to twist it with the creativity she attracted over the years.

When a widely-considered more “sexualized” clothing brand wanted Lexi to post videos on Instagram of her wearing these little crop tops and bikinis, Lexi hesitated. Her "very old school, Catholic grandma" follows her on the platform and she recalled, "I knew I would give her a heart attack if she opened Instagram and saw me in a skimpy bikini."

Instead of doing what most Instagram models were doing at that time, Lexi spiced things up. She explains, "I decided to do a video of me styling the outfit pieces to the 9s and showing all the different ways a piece could be worn." Her videos started blowing up afterward and she started gaining traction in fashion.

Navigating The World of Fashion

"I used to think that 'achieving my goal' would make me happy, but I don’t think I’ll ever feel completely fulfilled by my career." Lexi reflected after stepping into the industry.

She knows that the fashion world has its positives and negatives, but she never fails to remind herself to just enjoy the journey and not let the internet consume her entire life.

"I’ve also realized that no influencer should be put on a pedestal." Lexi explains, "At the end of the day, everybody is human and not everything on the internet is as perfect as it seems. I wish more people knew that." Lexi understands the harm of comparing herself to girls online, and it's something she went through before going into this world too.

Her positive and reflective mentality is supported by her family. She laughs and says, "My family keeps me SO grounded... The values I was taught growing up have definitely been the main thing that has kept me grounded in an industry where unfortunately so many people drift from humility over time.

For the future, Lexi's eager to grow her platform and take opportunities to branch out into different areas of fashion and entertainment. She is also interested in starting her own brand, plus going back to stand-up comedy. She smiles and explains, "That's actually how I started in LA before shifting towards social media!"

10 Quick Q's With Lexi Mars

1. Favourite fashion trend?

Ahhh so many! Low rise jeans though - I feel like 90% of people hate them, but honestly, I'm here for anything 2000s. It's so nostalgic and fun.

2. What’s a winter vibe movie/book that you love?

Does the Grinch count?! I wish I lived in Whoville sometimes. It's all so cute.

3. Biggest pet peeve?

Hearing people chew. Even though I'm a loud chewer myself, I still just hate hearing people chew.

4. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Easy. Chips Ahoy. But not the regular ones- I'm addicted to the chewy version. If it's not chewy Chips Ahoy, then I don't want it at all.

5. If your personality is a drink, what would it be?

That's a great question - I just asked my boyfriend, and he said Rockstar energy or Red Bull. I honestly think any energy drink because of my energetic and bubbly personality and impulsive nature.

6. What’s something surprising about you?

Before my Instagram took off, I used to do stand-up comedy in Los Angeles! I did it for 2 years, had a manager, performed almost every night. Really did the whole thing.

7. What’s a show you’re currently obsessed with?

Ok, I have a few. YOU - it's so intense. Emily in Paris - Instagram's favorite show lol. And then Hype house - I'm getting way too invested in their lives at this point, but I love it.

8. What does your self-care day look like?

Catching up on sleep and just letting myself do anything other than work and be on my phone. For example, eating pancakes in bed and reading a book is a self-care day for me because I don't enjoy myself or relax nearly as much as I need to.

9. What’s the most underrated beauty product you use?

You know those $5 face razors at Walgreens? The ones that take off the peach fuzz for women. Those are everything for me- it keeps my face baby soft and smooth because it also seems to get rid of any dead skin, so I always have a nice “canvas” when I start my makeup.

10. Do you have a line/motto that you live by?

The last time I was asked this question was in 8th grade- and my answer was “life's what you make it” - Hannah Montana, lol!

Call me cheesy but hear me out - if you think about it, it's so true! This is your life to live, it's up to you to decide how you're going to wake up every morning and spend each day. You can’t choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you react to it. So, simply put - life’s what you make it.

Keep Up With Lexi

Be sure to follow Lexi on Instagram at @leximars, YouTube @Lexi Mars, and TikTok at @leximars__!

Jenny Rong
50k+ pageviews

Writer since Apr, 2020 · 17 published articles

Jenny Rong is an editor for The Teen Magazine. She enjoys spending her time finding new music, painting, and knitting.

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