#100 TRENDING IN Music & Podcasts 🔥

Mackenzie Sol Talks About His Music Journey, Dreams and Upcoming Music

Music & Podcasts

August 16, 2021

As a teen-inspired magazine, we also try to inspire teens all around the world! We are always on the lookout for any young talent that would act as a perfect role model and inspiration to any teen out there to bring out the best in them. While on the journey of looking for young talents and influencers, we came across the amazing Mackenzie Sol.

A 20-year-old singer, songwriter, and to our surprise, also an actor. We had to have a talk with Sol, ask him about his journey and his future. And now, we come to you with all the answers so read on and be inspired!

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The Music Journey

We started by asking the most important question. What started this all? "Both my parents are singers so I was born into it. It is definitely genetic.

From my dad haha he’s way better than my mum." Mackenzie told us. Turns out he has spent the first five years of his life (before school) travelling to venues and gigging with his parents. "I was on stage singing “My Girl” by the Temptations by the time I was two. I sang before I talked I think. It was inevitable that I was going to sing." He continued.

Fun fact: At the age of four his mother was auditioning for XFactor with her band and the young star went along and ended up doing a full televised audition for Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh and Sharon Osbourne! You can watch the full audition here but beware- you might drown in the cuteness of this video!

This was a start to his singing journey. At the age of six, he performed my first professional performance in theatre and worked in the theatre till he hit 5ft at the age of 11. Then, he came to American after landing a role in a pilot with nickelodeon. "In the U.S is where I started making and creating music and knew that was the direction I wanted my life to go." He says.

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Songwriting and Inspirations

"What inspires your process of songwriting?" I asked.

"How do I explain what inspires my songwriting?" Sol mused. "It’s personal experiences and feelings that make a song great." he has always written but as he is living life, ageing and experiencing more, his songwriting is becoming better, he claims. "I think going through a rough patch or battling an issue can really trigger a songwriter to find amazing lyrics. This is certainly the case for me."

Dreams and destiny

I'm not going to lie my dream always has been and always will be to be a superstar.

Mackenzie wants to inspire people and be able to touch their life in some way. "I know that that may sound cliché but it totally possible other great artists have definitely touched me." A recent example is Jon Bellion wrote and featured on a song called “False Alarms “.

Mackenzie feels he can totally relate to every lyric in the song because he has experienced exactly the same things. Jon Bellion also gives advice during the song about just focusing on the music, not the media and also making sure the business is correct which is advice every musician needs.

"I personally learnt a lot from that song. That's an example of how much music can touch a person." He admits. That’s his dream both personally and musically to make a person's life or just their day better.

Keeping up with the media

How do you work on yourself artistically to always keep up with the media and so on?

"Artistically I can honestly say I don’t really work on myself as I think that has to be natural." He admits. He does however spend time training his voice and still practice instruments every day. "I love to collaborate too." He told us. Mackenzie has done a couple of collaborations with EDM D.J”s. He believes that the collabs challenge him as it's different to his natural genre.

Motivations and Idols

"I don’t need motivating to do music, I love love love it." He wonderfully exclaimed. "Content can sometimes be difficult to motivate but my Mum does keep on top of me" but he does give special credit to his followers. "I love to engage with my followers so that definitely helps keep me motivated."

Mackenzie's idols growing up were Stevie Wonder and Boyz 2 Men. "I was brought up with soul and Motown, I love it." As an adult, he is obsessed with Jon Bellion. "The man is a legend, I am totally taken away by how creative and talented he is."

Next Steps and Upcoming Music

Mackenzie has just dropped a single “Understand Love." The song is beautiful and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone. Don't wait, listen to it right now here.

He also has a Merch line called “Up to No Good’. "It’s in connection with my TikTok channel which is all pranks." He explained. Go check it out here.

And now good news to all the fans out there, he is definitely going to be dropping more music. Not only that, the next six months are going to be totally music focused. Hopefully next year the world will be back to normal and our favourite young star might be able to safely tour and meet everyone.

The Teen Magazine August 2021 Issue

Mackenzie Sol is starring in our August 2021 Issue. Download the issue for free at www.theteenmagazine.com/subscribe

Other Questions

Q. How did your friends and family respond to your success?

I have a very supportive family. It's hard being away from them as myself and my Mum are in the U.S to pursue this whereas the rest of my family are in the U.K. My family are proud of my success so far but it's working progress to actually achieve real success.

Q. What was the turning point in your musical journey?

I think a huge turning point for me in this journey was to be an independent artist. Obviously, everyone wants to be signed to a major label, but there is no rush I think proving your worth first will get the right situation.

Q. Have you met any fans of yours in real life? How would you describe the feeling?

I like to say, followers, not fans or supporters is a great word too. I have met “ Solmates” ( that’s what my supporters are called ) many times. Every time I tour.

I remember having one girl travel from Florida to Chicago to see me that means the world to me. People like that become friends. I like to try and get to know them.

I have one girl from Indonesia that I think has followed me since I was 13 years old and is still my number 1. It's an overwhelming feeling that I just hope keeps growing.

Q.Do you have any advice for other songwriters and singers?

My advice to other singers and songwriters would def be to stay independent for as long as possible. Always create true to who you are and appreciate your followers.

Q. How do you deal with hate?

I ignore the hate. If someone is picking on me they are leaving someone else alone. I really am thick-skinned.

This is a tough industry and you have to take the good with the bad. Any attention is good they care enough to comment.


1. Dream collaboration?


2. Guilty pleasure


3. Comfort movie

Happy Gilmore

4. Favourite TikTok trend


5. Favourite pick up line

I should complain to Spotify as you should be this weeks hottest single.

6. Best things to do on a self-care day


7. Most rebellious thing you ever did

I do rebellious things all the time, cover the toilet with saran wrap.

8. Would you describe yourself as an introvert, extrovert or a bit of both?


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