It's been a real struggle getting myself to workout these days and after trying to jump rope consistently for a while month, it seems like my body isn't ready for another fitness dedication just yet. However, I wasn't going to just give into my laziness especially when each day could be drawing me closer to my fitness goals. So over the past few days, I've forced myself to start working out again and so far, I've come up with a list of things I've done that I feel have helped me stay motivated and commitment and so can help others too.
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Get notified of top trending articles like this one every week! (we won't spam you)1. Make a checklist
One of the best ways to force yourself to workout is to make a checklist and add it as an item especially when the other items on the checklist at things you usually do. That way you'll feel bad if you check the remaining boxes and your workout is the only box unchecked and this will motivate you to pull out your workout mat and do something.
Image Credit: Breakingpic from Pexels

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2. Watch tons of workout videos
Thanks to Chloe Ting, Holly Dolke, Emi Wong, Gabriella Whited, Alexis Ren, Pamela Reif, Mad fit, Mr London, Koboko fitness, etc (These are all the fitness YouTubers I know), there are thousands of workout videos on YouTube and they'll surely be one that will suit your need so not finding the perfect workout is almost impossible. Even if you'd rather customize your own workout routine, watching these fitness gurus can give you ideas on the type of exercises you need to incorporate for specific body parts in order to accomplish your goals
3. Watch other people's personal workout routines
Image Credit: Anna Shvets from Pexels
After seeing some personal workout videos on YouTube especially the quarantine versions, I instantly got that push off my bed to actually start doing something. This wasn't just because I saw them working out, but because I realized that some of these people usually did their workouts at the gym, and since gyms were closed, they still found ways to workout at home besides what they are used to. So I (being someone who has never been to a gym) didn't have a single excuse not to workout.
4. Watch some amazing transformation videos
Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest are great apps to find tons of transformation videos and photos just use the hashtag "fitness goals" or "weight loss" on Instagram and you'll see millions of them. Creating vision boards on Pinterest is also great for staying on track.
5. Play some music while you're working out
Its really great at keeping you motivated. You can even use some of the exercises as dance steps to the rhythm of the song. If you are looking for workout videos on YouTube that you can do while enjoying some good music, try Madfit or Gabriella Whited's workouts.
Image Credit: Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
6. Do only workouts that you love
For some people (I inclusive), doing other people's routines doesn't seem to work for us. Its either too hard and we get discouraged when we can't do the exercise properly or, we get bored after a couple of days. I have committed to doing only workouts that I enjoy doing and this is because I can easily switch things up and not get bored while doing them.
7. Buy or pick a goal outfit.
I have dozens of goal outfits waiting to be worn when I finally achieve my dream body. Some of them are old clothes that I still love and want to fit into again, while some are new dresses that unfortunately don't even fit at all. I always picture my self wearing these clothes in my head while doing my hardest workouts (planks) and they give me the motivation I need because I know that if I stay consistent, my envisions would become a reality soon.
Pick out a goal outfit, if you don't have one get one. It must not be a fancy dress whatsoever, even your old pair of jeans that is now a size too small will do.
8. Wear cute workout clothes and appropriate shoes
Image Credit: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels
Good sport bras, comfy shoes, soft yoga mat, fitted leggings; these are essentials. Working out with clothes too small or bras too big are never comfortable. I remember attempting to start a jump rope workout plan for a month, I was so motivated at first and I grabbed my jump rope ready for a change, it wasn't even up to a minute till I quit because my shoes were terribly uncomfortable and my foot got sore very quickly. I got discouraged and now I'm sticking with HIIT workouts that I can do in my bedroom for obvious reasons.
Also, wearing cute workout clothes would make you want to exercise.
9. Try to do your workouts in the morning.
If you don't like being seen or looked at while exercising, then do your workouts early in the morning when it isn't so bright and there's no one awake. Trust me, it helps because most times, it gets discouraging when someone keeps staring at you or watching your every move.
10. Do small mini-routines throughout the day.
Image Credit: Alexy Almond from Pexels
Instead of doing a full twenty minutes workout, try breaking it into small sessions that you'll do throughout the day. For example, if your goal is to do 200 squats everyday, do 20-30 squats each time you stand up to get something or even do a squat hold while using the toilet.
I hope these tips helped you. It can be a real struggle getting yourself to stay healthy and fit during quarantine. The feeling of unaccomplishment that comes with each day that passes without you doing something to achieve your fitnes goals is soul-eating (trust me, I know that feeling) but no one is perfect, we have our lazy moments and what is important isn't "not" failing, but not giving up. So don't give up no matter what, when you fall, stand up again and work towards your dreams.