#1 TRENDING IN Youth Voices 🔥

A Letter to My Future Self

Youth Voices

Sat, January 04

This post is a letter to my future self, and to those who also feel lost, confused, and sad. I wonder about: Who will I turn out to be in the future? Will I be a good or bad person, will I gain or lose someone or something?

Will I lose myself? I'm not sure about any of these questions, but I hope that when I look back on this letter, I can make my future self proud of the person I turned out to be.

Dear Future Self,

I hope when you read this, you are okay. You are not sad, or anxious, or scared. I hope you accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish. I can only hope, for I don't know what the future holds.

Image Credit: mododeolhar, Pexels

I hope your friends are doing well, I hope you still have the same friends you have had. I hope you still remember it's the quality of friends, and not the quantity. If you still have at least one of the same friends, I want you to contact them right now and tell how much you appreciate them for staying in your life this long.

I'm surprised to see who stayed and who left, what changed in the friendship. I hope you made good memories over the years with the friends you have now. I really want you to appreciate what little moments we have with friends, before they're gone.

I want you to remember who they were, before life changed them. I hope you laughed, as well as cried with them. Those are the friendships that stay together.

Close friends you share a bond with, who care about you, who accept you for you, those are the ones worth fighting for. Don't let them go. For the friends that left, I hope you're still on good terms with them.

Don't burn your bridges, they have influenced you and kind of took a part in who you are today. Thank them for being your friend, for staying in the toughest of times, for being a part of your life, for helping you grow and mature.

Image Credit: Tyler Nix, Unsplash

I hope you are still close with your family. No matter what they say or do, they are still your family. Don't let an argument or a fight stand in the way of talking to them.

I hope mom and dad are okay and are doing well physically, emotionally, and mentally. I hope you are close with your sister, because she is the only sibling you have. Although you two may sometimes fight, you have to love her.

There is no one out there like her. You may have friends that you are close with, and they may act as your “siblings”, but she is the only one that is truly blood related and you can't change that no matter how bothersome she may get. I really do hope she is doing well, I hope you two are close and have a strong bond with each other.

Image Credit: Vån Thång, Pexels

I hope you found someone, someone who you trust, someone who will always be there for you. I hope he is your best friend, I hope he takes care of you, and protects you. Take care of him, love him, love him for all that he is.

Tell him how much you appreciate him for staying in your life. Show him that you care. Be with him through all the ups and downs that life throws at you guys. Relationships only stay strong because of trust, loyalty, and the strength to hold on even when it seems hard to.

I hope you got hurt looking for someone. I hope he broke your heart. Why do I wish this for you?

Because although broken hearts cannot be entirely fixed, they can heal over time. Broken hearts show you that sometimes what seems to be perfect, isn't always right or meant to last. You will only grow and mature into a stronger person with a heart that is impenetrable.

You will learn how to open your heart, and let others in; feel vulnerable. Find someone that makes life a little easier, makes you laugh a little harder, and smile a little longer.

Image Credit: Holly Mandarich, Unsplash

I hope that you get out of your comfort zone. Try something new, learn, try, fail, do it all. Take the chance, take the risk.

Doing something new and different could be exciting, you'll never know unless you try. Please try. Be more outgoing, be different.

You might end up liking something you'd never thought of liking. I want you to be proud of the chances and risks you took, because it made you a better, stronger person. You'll never grow unless you try new things and step out of your comfort zone.

I hope you don't become the same person that you are now, because that means you never experienced new things or stepped out of your comfort zone. I want to have hope for the choices and decisions you choose to make in the future. Trust and believe that it will work out in the end.

I hope life has changed you for the better because of it. I don't want you to look back on life and regret not taking that opportunity or seizing that moment. Please don't live life with regrets of anything.

Do it all if possible. Travel, love, cry, experience life's beautiful moments. Even if you fail, every choice you make will shape you into a different person. I can only hope.

Image Credit: Joel Mott, Unsplash

I hope you are happy, truly, genuinely happy. Happy with your life, your friends, family, happy with yourself. I hope you are successful with your career, life, social life, as well as accomplishments and goals.

I hope you take risks and still end up happy, no matter what happened in the end. I hope you lost as well as found something. I hope you become happy with your choices, your goals, as well as your failures.

Be happy in life. Do what makes you happy, not what others want for you. Express and impress yourself, not others.

It's your life, you choose whether you want to be positive in life. Choose to be happy, life is better when you are happy. Life is too short for what ifs or possibilities.

Take the risk, take the opportunity. Meet new people, effect others, start a chain reaction, make a difference in the world. Change your attitude, impact others with your actions and words.

You are valued, you are important. Make the choice to be happy.


Me, Your Past Self

Samantha Ferrer
300k+ pageviews

Writer since Jul, 2020 · 26 published articles

Samantha Ferrer is a 22-year-old in California and is currently in her fourth year of college. She enjoys reading, writing, spending time with close friends, and binge-watching her favorite shows and movies. Samantha also enjoys watching Rom-Coms and John Hughes movies. In her free time, you can find Samantha thrift shopping, and enjoying/looking at nature.

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