#86 TRENDING IN Personal Growth 🔥

How to Make Sure You Stay Consistent in Your Workout Routine

Personal Growth

July 25, 2022

As someone who has been working out consistently for over two years now, some questions I'm often faced with are: How do you do it? How haven't you given up?

Normally, I'd explain that, throughout the time I've spent carrying out my routine, I've grown to enjoy it, and that now, working out has become a common part of my day.

Nonetheless, I usually reply with these words to romanticize the experience behind making exercise a part of my lifestyle, hiding the fact that my journey has been rather complicated. The truth is, working out and keeping up with training is a tricky challenge. Not only is the practice of it exhausting, but it demands motivation, resilience, and dedication— traits that are not always naturally gifted to everyone.

However, I have found that certain habits and methods make having a fit lifestyle much easier. The hacks listed below will help you— yes, you!— on your new journey to a healthier self.

1. Have A Structured Routine

Having a routine creates better habits and makes them easier to keep up with. Once your routines are planned, it's more approachable to visualize their fulfillment. This is why you should distribute workout styles to perform, or body parts to train during the week. Writing these down in a visible calendar or agenda is even better, since it serves as a reminder to train, and it's easier to adapt to a new schedule involving your routines.

If you don't know how or where to start, I recommend watching YouTube online trainer videos to guide and help with your new lifestyle. An ideal example, because of her variety in intensity, length, and type of workouts, is Sydney Cummings. She follows a monthly calendar, assigning programs to work on different aspects of your fitness lifestyle, and uploading free videos every day which you can find on her website. Go to the website.

2. Work Out At The Same Time Of Day

It's easier to stick to a routine if it's established at the same time each day. Your body gets naturally used to working out at the same time, and following a schedule creates strong habits. The time chosen will depend on each person's convenience and obligations, but it's recommended to exercise between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., since your body temperature is at its highest, and it means you'll be exercising during the window of time your body is most ready.

Additionally, when one establishes a certain time for exercising, it becomes a priority, and "not having any time available for working out" becomes a distant excuse. Finally, it also helps with remembering to work out at a certain time and committing to your health.

3. Designate A Spot For Your Exercising

This hack is especially applicable if you're working out at home. Just as you have a place to sleep--your bedroom--you should have a place to work out; it could simply be in the garage, garden, living room, or wherever you have enough space to comfortably move around. When determining a place for your exercise to take place, your mind interprets it as a safe place to do so. In addition, fewer distractions will be present, since only what you need should be kept in this place.

4. Treat Yourself To New Workout Clothes

Purchasing new clothes for exercising can serve as an incentive to put them to good use; a sense of obligation to make them functional surfaces, along with motivation to use your new outfit. Additionally, clothes are a way to express yourself, and you should have apparel that makes you feel comfortable and confident when working out, so it can become easier to fall in love with your new lifestyle.

An example of a brand that sells sustainable and ethical workout attire is Girlfriend Collective. This company produces high-quality workout clothes, made out of recycled materials and created with environmentally conscious techniques. Their sizes range from XXS-6XL and sales are frequently held all year round, making it accessible for every person who is willing to start their new journey.

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5. Set Individual Goals

A Harvard Business study established that “14% of people who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals”. Humans are driven to achieve goals, and a desire to prove ourselves capable of large accomplishments is ubiquitous. This is why you should clearly establish your objectives and reasons for working out. Once you know what you're working for, your journey will have an end you're yearning to achieve, and the road will feel shorter.

If possible, write these down in a visible place in your designated workout spot, as they will be motivation and a reminder of your purpose. Remember that you're doing this for yourself, and only you can reach your targets.

6. Keep Track Of Workouts And Progress

Keeping track of progress always works as a reassurance that your efforts have been worth the struggle. Once an improvement in any aspect of life becomes visible, satisfaction and motivation arise, making the journey towards your goals much easier. Therefore, to keep this motivation and drive always present, tracking your fitness development is extremely beneficial. This can easily be done by writing down your routines in a workout journal, like the one shown in this example.

By doing this, it is also easier to know when to increase the intensity of your workouts, or in which way to alter your routine to keep a healthy workout lifestyle.

7. Don’t Wait For Something To Motivate You; Success Comes From Effort

A major issue that may be setting you back from successfully keeping up with working out, might be waiting for motivation and the moral strength to exercise. When facing reality, most of the time you probably won't want to go to the gym and exercise, due to the fact that it's exhausting, and not precisely enjoyable for everyone.

Of course, you need rest days, - two or three days are recommended for active rest- but to keep up with a consistent fitness lifestyle, the effort needs to come from you. There may be many incentives to work out, but the actual responsibility comes from the depths of your strength, willingness, and perseverance. You must acknowledge that if you don't make small sacrifices and truly commit yourself, every other tip listed will not fructify.

8. Identify A Type Of Workout That You Enjoy

An advantage of working out as a way to maintain an active lifestyle is that the variety of styles is unimaginably large. This range goes from Pilates to cardio and weightlifting, every single one being as efficient as the other. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, it will be less likely that you will truly keep up with it, and finding the correct type of exercise works in a trial and error manner.

Some may take longer than others to find the most suitable, but as you attempt different kinds, you will find one that is most agreeable, and staying consistent will be way easier. To start your search for the perfect type of website, you can visit this page, which gives further information on each method and style.

9. Change Your Mindset Towards A Workout

Strength comes from mindset, and a passion for something isn't always naturally gifted, but can also be learned. This begins with your perspective on an activity; is working out a chore, or something you do for your self-love? If you view working out as an obligation, dread will become a part of your routine, and consistency will immediately vanish. When you think of exercising as a way to show love for your body, as an opportunity to move and beat your self-inflicted limits and barriers, it will most likely become an enjoyable activity.

10. Take Care Of Your Overall Health

Health does not solely involve exercising and keeping up with a workout routine, but also nurturing your body and caring for your mental health. Every one of these aspects is a priority and exhausting your body by restricting yourself or adopting harmful practices will set you back to square one in your journey.

Energy to be able to exercise comes mainly from food, water, and rest, which is why you need to make sure you have an adequate caloric intake, hydration, and sleeping patterns. Having a “fit” lifestyle doesn’t ever signify starving yourself and/or completely removing certain food groups from your diet. Balance in every aspect is needed to maintain a stable mental health, which is vital for having a thriving and constant relationship with working out and avoiding any eating disorders or further issues.

You are now ready to start your consistent workout journey! These ten tips should make adapting to your new lifestyle much easier; but remember, the effort always needs to come from you, and without your dedication and sacrifices, these tips won't have the desired effect. Good luck!

María Vieytez
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Writer since Jul, 2022 · 11 published articles

María has an undeniable passion for reading and writing. In her free time, she enjoys weightlifting, learning German, managing her small business, and embracing the literary aspects of her life. She hopes to pursue a journalism career and dedicate her life to the production of creative writings.
