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How to Maintain Your Morning Routine During the Busy School Year

Student Life

December 16, 2023

Almost everyone has a set morning routine that they haven't changed for a while. Most people go on their phones, eat breakfast, do their skincare, and get dressed before finally driving to school. However, these routines can vary based on timing, and some days, you have to end up cutting something out, or you end up late to the first period. Here are some tips on how to keep your morning routine and not be late to school.

Switch the Order of Your Routine

I know many people who will get up and either go on their phones or watch a TV show. While this gives you time to relax, it could make you late for school or end up without enough time to get ready. One option is to get ready before you go on your phone. This way, you will never have to worry about being late because you lost track of time while relaxing.


Another option, if you really don't want to wait to watch your favorite TV show, is to watch it while doing other things. For example, you could watch TV while eating breakfast or listen to it during your morning routine. This way, you can sleep in later, watch an episode of your favorite show, and be ready on time for school.

coffee latte near white wireless keyboard and Apple EarPods on the table photography
Photo by Lukas Blazek from Unsplash

Get Organized the Night Before

I know a lot of my friends (including myself) get organized every night before school. Typically, I plan my outfit as a backup outfit and pack my backpack. I would definitely recommend getting organized early because it saves me a lot of time in the morning, and it can do the same for you.

Packing your backpack the night before is essential because it ensures you don't forget anything you need the next day and reminds you to plug in your laptop. Another essential is giving yourself outfit options because sometimes you'll love an outfit the night before and hate it in the morning. Having these options ensures that you will end up liking an outfit and that you won't spend twenty minutes trying to find the perfect top that matches your favorite pants. Also, try them on the night before to ensure the pieces look good together when they are on, not just on the hanger. If you like to shower in the morning, lay out your towel and hair dryer to ensure you don't have to waste time looking for them.

pink smoothie
Photo by Denis Tuksar from Unsplash.

Prepare Your Meals Early

Similar to getting organized, it could help you prepare the ingredients that you need for your meals early. Maybe on Sunday, you think about what snacks and breakfasts you want for the week. You could lay your snacks out in order by the day that you're going to take them to school.

Another step you can take is to put the ingredients for your breakfast in a place that is easy to find. Maybe you put fruit for a smoothie in the front of your fridge or your yogurt on a specific shelf. Any way you choose to do this helps you get through breakfast quicker.

Don't Press Snooze

This might be the most difficult tip in this article because who doesn't want five more minutes of sleep? Getting up at the actual time that you planned will help you maintain the rest of your routine because it saves you a ton of time that you could use to get your skincare or makeup done.

Also, one of the hardest parts of your morning is probably getting out of bed, so if you get up when your alarm goes off, you just get it over with quicker instead of dreading the next time your alarm will sound. You could even move your alarm away from your bed so it forces you to get up and walk instead of just rolling over.

white and black alarm clock on gray table
Photo by Maks Styazhkin from Unsplash.

Wake Yourself Up

When you are half asleep, it makes it harder to focus on your routine. You might even forget to put on moisturizer or mascara (trust me, I've done this before). You could drink a glass of cold water, hot coffee, or wash your face with cold water. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is either cold or hot enough to wake you up.

Think of a Positive Thought

So this tip has you adding something to your routine, but it is pretty simple. Thinking of a positive thought each morning helps you to be in a better mood heading into school and reminds you of the good in your life. You might have a day where you have two tests and a project before a big game, but thinking that you might get your favorite dinner when you get home, or you get to see your best friend at lunch gives you things to look forward to. It also gives you motivation because if you make it through the hard part of your day, you get a good part of it after.

Use these tips to be organized and maximize your time in the morning. You might even get ten more minutes of sleep now that you're organized and multitasking. Either way, having an efficient morning routine is crucial to your day.

Ava Jankowski
5,000+ pageviews

Writer since Aug, 2023 · 15 published articles

Ava Jankowski is a junior at Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh, PA. She enjoys writing, traveling, shopping, mock trial, and playing tennis. She is excited for any learning opportunities possible. Ava will attend The School of the New York Times Summer Academy this July.
