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10 Things to Do During Your Mindful Morning Ritual for a Productive Day

Mental Health & Self Love

October 20, 2023

I am a true believer in the fact that your mornings define the trajectory for the rest of your day. It can be easy to become overwhelmed in the bustle of your every-day routine–especially being swamped in school work. In times of restless studying, it is difficult to be mindful of your self-care.

How do you stop this pattern of mindless self-neglect and start on the right foot every morning? Allow me to help.

1. Think About All You're Grateful For

It is easy to become robotic in your routine and bathe in anticipatory anxiety regarding your upcoming tasks for the day. It’s important to take a second to yourself and count your blessings. It could be greater, like, “I am grateful for my family.” Or smaller ones such as: “I’m glad it’s sunny today.” Either way, giving you something to be grateful for is a way to start the day on the right foot.

Image Credit: Marta Wave from Pexels

2. Treat Yourself

I know that for me, it is the most therapeutic thing to either walk or drive to get myself a perfect iced latte. It is so important to treat yourself, whether it be getting your favorite coffee, a delicious baked-good, smoothie, warm cup of tea, and so forth to start your morning off right.

Image Credit: Katterinaaa from Pexels

3. Listen to Your Favorite Music

I am a big music girl, so a good song is always a must for a good morning routine. Listening to your favorite jams while getting ready instantly makes your mood spike. My go-to get ready song that will always raise my spirits is none other than “Karma” by Taylor Swift.

Image Credit: Jessica Lewis from Pexels

4. Give Yourself Time

Waking up in a hurry and scrambling to get your routine down is never the way to a good morning. Giving yourself time to decompress as you get ready for your upcoming day is a must-do. Whether it is just sipping and sitting with your coffee or just mentally preparing for your upcoming day, giving yourself time is integral.

Image Credit: Solod Sha from Pexels

5. Affirm, Affirm, Affirm

Affirmations are beautiful and they work! The perfect way to start your morning. The more you repeat affirmations to yourself, the more you automatically and unconsciously deem it true. As you get ready, saying to yourself, “I am successful” in the mirror can instantly boost your mood for the day.

Image Credit: Tara Winstead from Pexels

6. Breathe

Practicing mindful breathing is so, so important. This form of mindful meditation allows you to just focus on the rhythm and flow of your breathing. In breathing, you can allow yourself to focus on how you feel with each inhale and exhale.

Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

7. Make Your Routine Enjoyable

Whether your motivation to get out of bed is a delicious and nutritious breakfast or if it’s the cozy robe you’ll put on as you get ready, having motivation to begin your day and counting tiny victories is so crucial to a great morning routine.

Image Credit: Samantha Passuello from Pexels

8. Move Your Body

As I’ve said earlier, one of my favorite activities to do in the morning is walking to get my daily iced latte. Going on a morning stroll or stretching can be essential to starting your day. Moving around in the morning is a great way to regulate a healthy lifestyle and start a fulfilling day.

Image Credit: Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

9. Bask in Silence

Silence is a very beneficial gift, especially in the morning. Silently sitting with a cup of coffee, doing your makeup in the quiet, or showering silently can all be peaceful ways to gradually become prepared for your upcoming tasks.

Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

10. Journal

Writing your goals in life, for the day, how you’re feeling, etc. can all be great ways to give your day purpose. Setting your intention and approaching your day with your awareness of your goals and how you feel is a fantastic way to feel meaningful in your every-day.

Image Credit: Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

A good morning is a good day. Though it's unrealistic to assume you can complete all ten of these every morning, the most important thing is to be mindful about these habits so you can utilize them when needed. Wake up with a lot on your mind from a restless night of sleep?

Pick up that journal! Finding yourself with no motivation to get out of your warm bed? Go on a shopping trip for cute and cozy slippers for you to want to get up. A little mindfulness can go a long way.

Amanda Brown
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Writer since Oct, 2023 · 3 published articles

Amanda is a first-year honors student at James Madison University majoring in Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communications and minoring in Creative Writing. She loves drinking iced lattes, getting lost in a good book (particularly romance or thriller), writing, and binging reality TV. Amanda aspires to pursue a career in publishing, editing, or writing.
